The Virginia Star from Culpeper, Virginia (2024)

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The Virginia Stari

Culpeper, Virginia

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THURSDAY JUNE 19 1952 THE VIRGINIA STAR CULPEPER VIRGINIA i PAGE 8 SECRETS THE SCREEN do more dogged Alter screens in John Rogers of the Culpeper both floors CHILDREN'S LADIES' PLAY SUITS SWIM SUITS ALL SIZES GIRLS' 0 $1095 $198 $495 LADIES' GIRLS' A $20' TIRE 89c to $198 BOYS' CHILDREN'S CHILDREN'S Swim Trunks Swim Suits 79c BOYS' Polo Shirts or screen prints SPECIAL 98c $198 SALE Xs MEN'S SUMMER SLACKS A $179 ALL TIRES MOUNTED REE CHARGE MEN'S MEN'S Culpeper Vo Did 8161 Straw Hats Polo Shirts IN RUBBER IRST i Goodrich BTGiodrkh rioK TUO Home of Better Values lower floor of a room hr PAY AS LITTLE AS 109 DOWN Miss Agnes Lake who spent several days of the past week with her sister Mrs William Button in Culpeper is now the guest of her cousin Miss Mary Triplett at Marshall Holters and panties in solid colors and plaids Ruffle trims Sizes 7 to 14 tones In with her furnishings and makes a very lovely "Cheerful room The dining room which opens Into the living room was I painted a pretty shade of blue This combination of colors adds spice to those rooms The exterior was painted white which gives the appearance of a large country mansion Before any painting was done this fam ily had a central heating plant Installed 117 Head Of Sheep Sold At Eastern Stud Ram Sale A total of 117 head were sold at the eleventh annual Eastern Stud Ram Sale in Staunton last week for a sale total of $20470 at the Staunton Purebred Livestock Sales Pavilion near Verona The average price per head was $17495 compared with last average of $21246 Highest price paid at the sale was $825 for the grand champion ram lamb of Woebbeklng Stock arms of Woodburn Ind The highest priced ewe was that of Lawson and Moss of Burkes Gar den which went for $410' SHORTS AND HALTERS Culpeper Wool Pool To Be Held June 23 June 23 Is the day for the Cul peper Wool Pool Wool will be taken up this year at the Cooperative Warehouse In Cul peper The pool will toe ready to receive wool at 6 a and will be open until 4 pm All farmers are urged to bring their wool in as early as possible in order to avoid the last minute rush or further information con cerning the wool pool see John Hill manager og Co operative or Marvin Bates Coun ty Agent A To Meet The Culpeper Minute Men Chapter A will meet on next Tuesday afternoon June 24 with Mrs Gordon Witt at her home on East Street The guest In terry cloth with fancy designs cotton knits with wide and narrow stripes Cool and easy to wash In brief and boxer styles Elastic waist band with drawstring All wanted sizes and colors Schedule of Meetings Tuesday afternoon June 24 Rixeyvflle Club members WtH feature a picnic for the youth at the community This activity will be held at the Double ord beginning at 5:00 pm Wednesday afternoon June 25 Rapidan Chib meeting Parish Hall two Helps on Home Laundering wjJt be dem onstrated Thursday afternoon June 25 Inlet Qlub meeting home of Mpt James Bailey with Mrs Peyton as co hostess beginning at two Helpsxfor home laundering will be demonstrated riday afternoon June 28 Alum Springs Club meeting home of Mrs Tucker Tutwiler 2:00 pm Standards to Consider in Select ing Products or Exhibit will be demonstrated Girls' SHORTS The State 4 Short Course will 'be held at I in Blacksburg June 23 28 Over a thousand 4 members have enrolled for this Course Culpeper County will have seven 4 club members and one All Star In attendance namely: Mary Carder Betsy eaganes Betty Ann Apperson Betsy Spelden Marvin Minor Alvin Wilson and Benny Brown Janet Bolen an All Star member will attend both the All Star conference and State Short Course This delegation will travel by bus with members from Greene Madison and Orange Counties They leave Monday morning and return Saturday afternoon June 28 These members have selected to attend classes in olk Game Leadership Tips for Toppers So cial Courtesies World Neighbors and un Being Correct Courses In livestock poultry and dairy judging will also be featured Demonstrations will be given by all district winners com peting for state awards Talent programs recreation and swimming will be enjoyed by the group In cool rayon and nylon cords rayon linen weaves rayon tropicals and light weight gabardines With a design for flqttery See our new group of swim suits and love the way each and every one adds up to oretty figuring on the beach Denim seersucker and gabardines Assorted pas tels plaids and stripes Sizes 7 to 16 $495 RESCUED Jacqaelioe Uson Arttngtra Vo stood on her bead on contraption on Which she ahenld have seated herself iremen had te se bolt cutters to tree her IP 1E95 OR ONLY 1 0L0T1RE SCOURS In Calves USE BISMA GREEN Guaranteed AT YOUR DRUGGIST Culpeper County Home Dem onstration Club Members are get ting their homes more conven ient livable and easier to care for Mrs rances Wood member of Town and Country Club and Mrs Louise Walker Lignum Stevensburg Club member told the home agent recently they had Installed bath rooms Mrs Wood had a small back hall on the lower floor of her house converted Into a three piece bath room This now pro vides a bath room on of her house Mrs Walker used a closet and a portion for making a full size bath This homemaker had used a small In adequate bath but Is now enjoy ing a regular size bath room with 'standard fixtures Mrs Carroll Noakes an Inlet Club Homemaker has just com pleted the sanding and rofinlsh ing of two floors In her home This is the second time Mrs Noakes has refinished the floors but is pleased with the outcome loor seal and wax were usedfor the reflnishing Mrs Noakes has also painted her one wall kitchen and break fast room a quiet gray color These rooms receive a great deal of sun light and gray gives the Impres sion of restfulness and coolness Mrs Marshall Colvia of hells Club is redecorating? the front hall living room arid a downstairs bed room In her home She is using an old water paint In a color that brightens and light ens her home i The Blaine Gwin family of Elkwood has given a to both the interior and exterior of their house Mrs Gwin used la stimulating olor of rose for her large living rooui painting the end walls of the same room In a harmonizing burgandy This colof Leggetts ty DEPT STORE SA1E 1J95 PRICE plus tax and your old tire Community Pasture Tours In County On June 25 26 27 "Three community pasture tours be conducted In Culpeper County on June 2526 and said Giles Miller chairman of the Culpeper County Pasture Committee The tour on June 25 will toe held tn the EggborasvUle Community the farms of Egg bom and Wttten will be toured On June 26 the tour will toe held la the Jeffersonton Community on the farms of Stanley Button and Irvin Rosenberger The tour as June 27 will be held in the RlchardsvlUe Com munity and the farms of David Kennedy and Carl Eley win be visited tours win began at 1:30 fim and they are open to the public We are especially interest ed in getting the folks in the re spective communities to attend these tours and we win be glad to have any' farmers In Culpeper county jotri with Us to make ob servations of the pastures on the farms which we plan to said Mr Mfller V' The professional workers In the county and an agronomy special ist from VPI win be in charge of the tours This will be your your pasture questions and to ob chance to get answers to some of serve what some of your neigh bors are doing along the lines of pasture improvement In solid colors ond plaids Denims and gabardine Sizes 10 to 20 Shorts $100 $395 Halters 79c 00 Swim Suits In our complete line up of summer wear we have girls' and little miss styles for SHELL UEL OIL WITH OA 5X 'Most Anything (Continued rom Page 1 B) after This heated season hot alike with politlce and tempera tures win find a sort of climax very soon when those two General Conventions have been held And then perhaps just perhaps the rest of us can sort of settle down only in a manner of speaking until the first Tuesoay in No vember When they the delegates at the Chicago have decided whom we shall vote for Most anything at one time or another has happened in Virginia and the present time is no excep tion A Nudist camp over in the Valley that Valley whose original settlers of Scotch Presbyterians had such strict ideas and en forced them on mannerg and morals That mysterious flying which has been seen by too many persons down around Sun Suits Postels ond florals ine quality broadcloth Tub lovers to keep the little one cool Sizes 1 to 6 BT Goodrich Silvertown Interlock knit cotton polo shirts Solid colors and fancy designs Sizes $179 to $298 Thirsty terry cloth in gray stripes 98c to $198 BEACH TOWELS Suhback Dresses Made of kriskay and broadcloth Solid pastels fancy ruffle trims Some with jackets Sizes 1 to 6 7 to 14 $198 to $395 in Shell uel OU for horn beating cAmnm It htait eliminates a major otuat of oil himororvlot calls IS years al Shall raeeardb and tMt went into tht development of OA SX A tele phone call to ua will pot OA 5X to work for you CAH QUARLES OIL CO Phone 8412 Loose woven straw hots for summer comfort Sizes 6 $198 to $500 No we haven't forgotten the nttle tots who love the water Complete stock of children's swimsuits Sizes 1 to 6x 79c 0 1 98c Men's SWIM SUITS 11 ooxer or priet styles Solid colors Sizes $198 0 $349 the hre that comes on new cars Powhatan and Goochland coun ties for the rest of us to disbelieve which has been floating around over Virginia and pressing or eo we feel no good to the rest of us And over tn the hills of Rockbridge county neoole are out hunting a big black bear that speaker at this meeting will be A ao a la a wmmv uunu uak U1C mnuiumna and went to work on a herd at Radio Station who will speak on Black Angus cattle some phases of flag observance ss and the history connected with The expression of "Let George Ctawtfied Ads Brin Result rwv wv 4VA UC1C XU VIM I peper especially since this last) Municipal elecaon ns a case of "Let Junior do Both of two returned members of the town council are juniors and all three of the newly elected ones also write after their names So Culpeper not only has a Junior Chamber of Commerce but a Jun i lor Town Council Our Congratu lations! MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS In solid colors and prints Cotton skipdenf cotton broadcloth and crinkle cotton Sizes KEEP COOL! MAIN STREET Service Station "JOE and RED" A MB 'I rj Vi Wit Mb 1 VB i 1 Jill III 1 uni i i it it I firing C2 III ul 1 Br 1 whI Il Ifeis I ft I 1 1 Lh i 1' PLrT' 9 i I AOi BA I1A Li r'tA I 1 Wi LIMB 58 98 I I I I Ml I I I I fl WbAzt 1 i.

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The Virginia Star from Culpeper, Virginia (2024)


Why is Culpeper famous? ›

Culpeper has seen 18th century revolution with the Culpeper Minutemen, a gold rush, and plenty of Civil War action with a railroad at stake. In fact, the town changed hands 78 times during the American Civil War. Today, Culpeper, a Great American Main Street, offers quintessential Southern charm.

Who were the first settlers in Culpeper, Virginia? ›

History of the County of Culpeper: The first settlers came into the wilderness that would become Culpeper County in the early 1700's to clear homesteads along the forks of the Rapidan, Rappahannock, and Hazel Rivers. Among the earliest were a small group of German miners from the first Germanna Colony of 1714.

Who was Culpepper of Virginia named after? ›

The county was named for Lord Thomas Culpeper, Colonial Governor of Virginia, 1680-83. He inherited his rights from his father, Lord John Culpeper, to whom King Charles II had given a large land grant.

What is the oldest house in Culpeper? ›

The Burgandine House (c. 1750) is the oldest house in the town of Culpeper and is open to visitors. The Museum grounds provide a beautiful setting to reflect on the day and plan your next adventure.

What is the ethnicity of Culpeper Virginia? ›

Culpeper Demographics

White: 57.93% Black or African American: 18.63% Other race: 13.56%

What Native American tribe lived in Culpeper VA? ›

Archaeologists, farmers, and metal detectors have found evidence of Native Americans in the Culpeper region, and there are still descendants of the Manahoac people here in Virginia. This confederation of tribes stayed in the Piedmont where they hunted, fished, and created tight-knit communities near Culpeper.

Who was the first person in Virginia? ›

The first humans to enter Virginia may have originated from those who found the ice-free corridor between the Laurentide and Cordilleran ice sheets. The first immigrants into the interior of North America may have hunted large mammals (megafauna) migrating along the edge of retreating glaciers 18,000 years ago.

Who was the first to live in Virginia? ›

The original inhabitants of Virginia arrived some 10,000 to 12,000 years ago. These were people of Paleo-Indian culture, who, like their successors, the Archaic-culture people, lived mainly by hunting and fishing.

What happened to Culpeper? ›

Both men pleaded for mercy; Culpeper, presumably because of his former closeness to the King, received a commuted sentence of simple beheading. Dereham did not. Culpeper was executed along with Dereham at Tyburn on 10 December 1541, and their heads were put on display on London Bridge.

Who named Virginia after the Queen? ›

Virginia was named for Queen Elizabeth I of England, the “Virgin Queen” and is also known as the “Old Dominion.” King Charles II of England gave it this name in appreciation of Virginia's loyalty to the crown during the English Civil War of the mid-1600s.

Who was Lord Culpeper? ›

Thomas Culpeper, second baron Culpeper of Thoresway, was a governor of Virginia (1677–1683) and a proprietor of the Northern Neck. In 1649, the soon-to-be-exiled King Charles II granted Culpeper's father and six others ownership of the Northern Neck in Virginia but in the end was not able to make good on the gift.

What is Nicholas Culpeper famous for? ›

Nicholas Culpeper 1616 - 1654

Culpeper was a political radical who wrote pamphlets against the king, all priests and lawyers, and licensed physicians. He dedicated himself to serving the sick, the poor and the powerless. In 1644 he set up his own shop in east London, and started to translate medical books into English.

What did Culpepper do? ›

Under interrogation, Culpeper admitted to intending to have sexual relations with Catherine and that she intended to sleep with him. Lady Rochford, however, stated in her interrogation that she believed that Culpeper had "known the Queen carnally." Both Culpeper and Dereham were found guilty and sentenced to death.

What started Culpeper's Rebellion? ›

Culpeper's Rebellion, (1677–79), early popular uprising against proprietary rule in the Albemarle section of northern Carolina, caused by the efforts of the proprietary government to enforce the British Navigation acts.

What does a Culpeper mean? ›

English (Middlesex): from Middle English cul(l)en, coilen 'to cull, select, gather' (Old French coillir, from Latin colligere 'to collect or gather') + pep(p)er 'pepper', probably an occupational name for a herbalist or spicer.

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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.