F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 4
SuperSkyscrapersThe Sky is the Limit
T h e M o n t h l y M a g a z i n e f o r M e m b e r s o f V e g a s P B S
Butch Cassidy& the
Sundance Kid:A M E R I C A N E X P E R I E N C E
House of Cards
One World Trade Center
Enjoy the taste of more than 60 wineries and breweries courtesy ofSouthern Wine & Spirits of Nevadalive wine auction, silent auctionand jazz ensemble.LVH - Las Vegas Hotel& Casino BallroomSaturday, February 8, 2014, 3-7p.m.$85 Advance Reservation • $100 at the DoorTi c ke t s Av a i l a b l e a t :Lee’s Discount Liquor, Whole Foods Market, Total Wine and More,Vegas PBS or online at VegasPBS.org/WinetastingFo r M o re I n f o r m a t i o ncall 702-799-1010 ext.5361S p o n s o r sCommunity Patron: Cashman Equipment CompanyBordeaux: Towbin MotorcarsChardonnay: NV Energy & Wells Fargo Aperitif: UnitedHealthcare, Terry and Jenny Care, Marydean Martin and Charlie SilvestriPrinting Courtesy of Southwest Gas Corporation • Audio Visual Sponsor: Encore ProductionsSpecial Thanks to CenturyLink • Must be 21 years of age or older to attend.
Lee’s DiscountLiquor
Total Wine & More
T o B e n e f i t
Guest Appearance
by Chef Charlie Palmer
LetterC o n t e n t s
Tom Axtell, General Manager; Kareem Hatcher, Production Services Manager; Kelly McCarthy, IndividualGift & Philanthropy Development Director; Cyndy Robbins, Content Director; Lee Solonche, EducationalMedia Services Director; Debra Solt, Workforce & Economic Development Director; Bruce Spotleson,Corporate Partnerships Director; Jeff Yeagley, Engineering, IT & Emergency Response Director;Shauna Lemieux, Editor; Anton Tielemans, Art Director
FOR ADVERTISING, contact: Allison Loftus at 702.799.1010, x5347, [emailprotected] E-mail, call or write Vegas PBS with comments and suggestions:Vegas PBS & Southern Nevada Public Television3050 E. Flamingo Rd., Las Vegas, NV 89121702.799.1010 • Fax 702.799.2806 email: [emailprotected] PBS Source, Volume 2014 No. 2
F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 4 5
Campaign for the Digital Future
Cover StorySuper Skyscrapers 6Building higher and faster than ever before, urban planners are creating a new generation of skyscrapers.
DepartmentsMessage to Our Members 5Letter from General Manager Tom Axtell
School Media 9
FeaturesThe Amish Shunned: American Experience 11Black History Month 12Planned Giving 13Arts: Your Own Backstage Pass 14More Outstanding Arts Programs 15Sahara with Michael Palin 16Billy the Kid: American Experience 17and Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid: American Experience
Drama: House of Cards 18Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey 19How to: Sew It All 20Science & Nature: Exploration Wednesdays 22Vegas PBS Member Ticket Offers 40
Program MenuWhat’s On • Children’s Lineup 24Vegas PBS Channel 10 Overnight 25Prime Time Programming 26Vegas PBS Sponsors 38
Keep up with Vegas PBS on Facebook and TwitterFacebook.com/VegasPBS • Twitter.com/VegasPBS or TWITTER@VegasPBS
n 1999, the Federal Communications Commission issued an orderdirecting all television stations in the U.S. to convert from analogto digital transmission by 2003, which was later delayed until 2009.The cost of acquiring the required new digital production and dis-tribution equipment was estimated to be $9 million per station. To
meet this new mandate, the Southern Nevada Public Television boardlaunched a quiet campaign to raise the funds for digital conversion.
The digital Channel 10 signed on in 2002 – a year ahead of the origi-nal FCC timeline – and Vegas PBS became the first television station inNevada to offer a full-time, full-power high definition program service. Itsoon became clear that our old building on Channel 10 Drive lacked thespace and infrastructure necessary to house the new equipment.Building an addition was cost prohibitive, so the Board launched a pub-lic campaign to seek community funds for a new digital public televisionbuilding. We partnered with the Clark County School District to co-locatetheir online high school with the TV studios.
Through a bidding process, we hired JMA Architectural Studios andMartin Harris Construction to create a nationally unprecedented facilitywith innovations in green building technology and all the survivabilityand security recommendations of federal commissions formed afterHurricane Katrina and 9/11. The ground breaking occurred in 2007, butbefore the ribbon cutting in 2009, the recession forced three donors tocancel more than $2 million in pledges.
Southern Nevada Public Television took a deep breath, re-launchedthe capital campaign, and raised more than $500,000 in each of the lastfour years to retire the unanticipated building debt. Our last payment toretire the debt was made this September. After more a decade of plan-ning and fundraising, Southern Nevada Public Television secured$38,701,381 in the “Campaign for the Digital Future.”
Since 2000, more than 32,000 individuals and 50 corporations andfoundations provided funds for Vegas PBS’ digital equipment and build-ing, and more than 100 people have served the SNPT Board or Councils.This campaign has been a truly remarkable public-private partnershipmade possible by our community’s affection for the trusted, valued andessential services provided by Vegas PBS. As a result, the Vegas PBSEducational Technology Campus has become a national showcase for thetelevision industry, online education and emergency communications.
The campaign’s success provides you with the digital technology andinfrastructure to provide full service PBS programming and high-impactlocal productions that respond to the issues facing our community, andthe joys of living here. Thanks to all who had a part in this remarkableeffort.
This magazineis printed on recycled paper
6 V E G A S P B S S O U R C E
Super SkyscrapersCover Story
Wednesdays, February 5 - 26 at 10 p.m. on Vegas PBSChannel 10 and 10.1
Artist’s rendering of Shanghai Tower
Wednesday evenings are reserved to satisfy
your curiosity to discover the world around us.
From desert landscapes to the edge of the uni-
verse, from ancient monuments to cutting-edge
technology, Vegas PBS brings it all together for
entertainment that enlightens. This month, as
part of Exploration Wednesdays, we present a
fascinating new series that delves into the tower-
ing world of skyscrapers.
F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 4 7
February 5 at 10 p.m.
One World TradeCenter
Recently judged to be the tallest build-ing in the western hemisphere, the struc-ture is engineered to be the safest,strongest skyscraper ever built. Thisepisode follows the final year of the soon-to-open edifices’ exterior construction, cul-minating with the milestone of reaching1,776 feet. For One World Trade Center’shead of construction Steve Plate – and thescientists, engineers, ironworkers and cur-tain-wall installers – this job is suffused withthe history of the site and a sense of duty torebuild from the ashes of Ground Zero.
February 12 at 10 p.m.
Building the FutureTake a tour in and around Leadenhall
Building, a pinnacle of London’s recentavant-garde architecture boom and popu-larly nicknamed “The Cheese Grater” forits tapered shape and steel exoskeleton.The construction of this newest FinancialCentre showpiece forced the team behindLeadenhall to radically rethink everyaspect of the traditional building model: itspieces were constructed off-site, deliveredto the location, and stacked and boltedtogether “like a giant Lego set.”
February 19 at 10 p.m.
The Vertical CityWhen complete, China’s Shanghai Tower
will be far more than a skyscraper; it willbe a 120-story vertical City: the country’s
uilding higher and faster thanever before, urban plannersare creating a new generationof skyscrapers that pushes thelimits of engineering, technol-
ogy and design to become greener,stronger and more luxurious than ever.
As well as following the engineeringand construction challenges, this seriesuses state-of-the-art graphics to bring outthe full drama of the build. We will meetthe architects and other charactersinvolved in each colossus. How will thesenew skyscrapers tackle a set of toughquestions? How do you protect a sky-scraper against a terrorist attack? How doyou make a super-tall environmentallyfriendly building? What is involved inbuilding a mega-fast, 600m elevator? Howdo you construct absolute luxury? How doyou clean the windows on the 100th floor?
This four-part series follows the cre-ation of four extraordinary buildings,showcasing how they will revolutionize theway we live, work and protect ourselvesfrom potential threats.
tallest and the world’s second-tallest build-ing; a collection of businesses, services andhotels boasting a population equal to thecountry of Monaco in a community built ona footprint the size of a football field. Thisepisode goes behind Shanghai Tower’s inte-rior wall and exterior skin, a place whereresidents work, play and relax in a series ofeight stacked public parks each more than120 feet. Built with highly sustainablemethods and earning one of China’s best“green ratings,” the structure will dominatethe skyline, towering over its neighbors asa testament to the city’s economic successand the ambitions of its wealthy elite.
February 26 at 10 p.m.
The Billionaire Building
Upon completion, One57 in Manhattanwill rise more than 1,000 feet and 75 sto-ries, making it the tallest residential towerin the western hemisphere and boastingunprecedented views of Central Park.Follow the teams tasked with creating,building, designing and selling New York’smost luxurious and most expensive resi-dential skyscraper. Condominiums atOne57, described as “the most bespokeskyscraper ever built” have state-of-the-artinteriors including double-height ceilings,full-floor apartments, bathrooms clad inthe finest Italian marble and handmadekitchens from U.K. craftsmen.
One World Trade Center Leadenhall Building One57
DAVID COPPERFIELD SHOW WITH MEET & GREETSaturday, February 22 at 4 p.m.MGM Hollywood Theater (See back cover)
QUEEN MARY/LADY DIANA EXHIBITIONSaturday, March 22 to Sunday, March 23Long Beach, California (See back cover)
THE TEMPEST PREMIERE Saturday, April 5 at 8 p.m.Symphony Park at The Smith Center for the Performing Arts (See back cover)
HIGHCLERE CASTLE LONDON TRIPSunday, July 20 to Saturday, July 26London, England (See back cover)
For performance and event information,contact Vegas PBS at 702.737.7500or visit VegasPBS.org/specials.
en years ago, Vegas PBS, the National Association for the Deaf and Clark
County School District announced a historic partnership agreement for
the citizens of Nevada. The Vegas PBS Captioned Media Program was
launched to provide all Nevadans who are deaf or hard of hearing (or
their teachers or care givers) with access to thousands of open-cap-
tioned educational media programs. The
service was badly needed as Nevada,
unlike many other states, had no state
school for the deaf or the blind.
PBS was the network that invented
and first deployed the technology that
allows captioning and supported regula-
tions to make the technology required in
all TV receivers. Vegas PBS embraced cap-
tioned media as an extension of our com-
mitment to broadcast closed captioned
programs on Channel 10.
The Vegas PBS Captioned Media
Program has grown and evolved over the
past ten years, now also serving blind and visually impaired clients as the Vegas PBS
Described and Captioned Media Center (DCMC). The DCMC provides extensive education-
al media programs, resources, services, braille library, braille printing services, books,
interactive games, captioned and descriptive DVDs and learning kits available free of
charge to all of Nevada.
The DCMC has responded to community requests with recent additions to the collection
dealing with such areas as school readiness, anger management, social skills, autism and
sign language skills. Materials in Spanish are also being expanded.
A visiting area for families, social and storytelling events is also being added, which con-
tinues to build excitement for the center. The level of interest in the DCMC from families,
local organizations and educators continues to grow, and Vegas PBS maintains our commit-
ment, started a decade ago, to provide equal access to a quality education for all children
in Nevada.
All of this could not have been done without the support and involvement of many peo-
ple and organizations. We would like to thank our supporters, including the Ferrtita
Foundation, MGM Resorts International Foundation, Las Vegas Rotary Foundation, Clark
County School District and Nevada Relay for helping the DCMC enjoy a rich first ten years
serving Nevada.
Vegas PBS and CaptionedMedia Program CelebrateTenth Anniversary
S c h o o l M e d i a B y L e e S o l o n c h e
Specialist Zabdy Rios browses DCMC media library
Vegas PBSUpcoming EventsC a l e n d a r
Highclere Castle
David Copperfield
F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 4 9
The AmishShunned:A m e r i c a n E x p e r i e n c eTuesday, February 4 at 9 p.m. on Vegas PBSChannel 10 and 10.1
ollow seven former members of an Amish community,filmed over the course of 12 months, as they reflect ontheir decisions to leave one of the most closed and tight-ly knit communities in the United States. Estranged from
family, the ex-Amish find themselves struggling to understand andmake their way in modern America. Interwoven through the storiesare the voices of Amish men and women who remain staunchly loyalto their traditions and faith. They explain the importance of obedi-ence, the strong ties that bind their communities together and thepain they endure when a loved one falls away. Repeats Sunday,February 9 at 1:30 p.m.
10 V E G A S P B S S O U R C E
Paul Edwards joined the Amish church at 17
F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 4 11
Black History MonthRemembering the sacrifices and contributions of African-Americans to our countryThroughout February on Vegas PBS Channel 10 and 10.1
The Education of Harvey GanttFriday, February 7 at 10:30 p.m.
In 1960, a talented African-Americanstudent from Charleston graduated fromhigh school, wanting to become an archi-tect. Clemson College was the only schoolin South Carolina that offered a degree inhis chosen field, but was open to only whitestudents. Gantt applied three times, even-tually taking the matter to court. InJanuary of 1963, Gantt won his lawsuit andwas admitted to Clemson, making him the
12 V E G A S P B S S O U R C E
Slavery by Another NameSunday, February 16 at Noon
A Sundance Film Festival selection for2012, this documentary explores the little-known story of the post-Emancipation eraand the labor practices and laws that effec-tively created a new form of slavery in theSouth that persisted well into the 20th cen-tury. It examines the concept of “neoslav-ery,” which sentenced African-Americans toforced labor for violating an array of lawsthat criminalized their everyday behavior.
Independent Lens: Spies of MississippiSunday, February 16 at 11:45 p.m.
This compelling program chronicles thestory of a secret spy agency formed duringthe 1950s and 60s by the state ofMississippi to preserve segregation andmaintain white supremacy. Over a decade,the Mississippi State SovereigntyCommission was granted broad powers toinvestigate private citizens and organiza-tions, keep secret files and make arrests.
One Night in MarchFriday, February 21 at 10:30 p.m.
This award-winning documentary chroni-cles the 1963 Mississippi State Universitybasketball team and their historic trip toEast Lansing, MI to participate in theNCAA tournament. They went against anunwritten rule that prohibited Mississippicollegiate teams from competing againstintegrated teams, risking their safety andtheir future by defying that rule.
The African Americans: Many Rivers to CrossSunday, February 23 from 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.
This six-hour series, aired back-to-back,chronicles the full sweep of African-American history, from the origins of slav-ery on the African continent through morethan four centuries of remarkable historicevents up to the present.
Vegas PBS Rewind (110 Cox Cable)
Afropop: The Ultimate Cultural ExchangeSunday, February 9 from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Aired back-to-back, this anthology seriescontinues its exploration of the present-dayrealities and contemporary lifestyles ofAfricans, both on the continent and in theevolving diaspora.
first African-American student to attend aformerly all-white school in South Carolina.
POV: American PromiseSunday, February 9 at 11:30 p.m.
Two African-American best friends, Idrisand Seun, make their way throughManhattan’s Dalton School, one of the mostprestigious private schools in the country.The special spans 13 years as the filmfollows the boys’ divergent paths fromkindergarten through high school gradua-tion. This provocative, intimate documen-tary presents complicated truths aboutAmerica’s struggle to come of age on issuesof race, class and opportunity.
Black History Month programming sponsored by:
Convicts in Slavery by Another Name
Marine Corps, all-black battalions who loy-ally served their country while fighting fortheir civil rights back home. Repeats onFriday, February 21 at 9 a.m.
Vegas PBS Jackpot! (111 Cox Cable)
Stokes: An American Dream Sunday, February 2 at 11:30 p.m.
This special profiles two African-American brothers who changed the courseof American politics – Louis and CarlStokes. Carl, the first black mayor of amajor American city, and Louis, the firstblack U.S. congressman from Ohio, overcamehumble beginnings in their pursuit of highpolitical office. Repeats on Monday, February3 at 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., Thursday,February 6 at 11:30 p.m., and Friday, February7 at 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
The Education of Harvey GanttThis program originally airs at 10:30 p.m.
on Vegas PBS Channel 10 (see first para-graph). Repeats on Sunday, February 9 at
F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 4 13
11:30 p.m. and Monday, February 10 at8:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
A Ripple of HopeSunday, February 2 at 10:30 p.m.
Watch the dramatic story of the visitof Robert F. Kennedy to the inner cityof Indianapolis to address the grief-strick-en crown on the night of the assassinationof Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. RepeatsMonday, February 3 at 8:30 a.m., Thursday,February 6 at 10:30 p.m., and Friday,February 7 at 8:30 a.m.
The Marines of Montford Point: Fighting for FreedomThursday, February 20 at 11 p.m.
This special profiles the first African-American recruits in the United States
The Marines of MontfordPoint: Fighting for Freedom(left), Louis and Carl Stokes (below)
P l a n n e d G i v i n g
Do You Need AnEstate Plan?By Kelly McCarthy, Director of Individual Gifts & Philanthropy
you can speak one-on-one with one of the presenting estate planningexperts and/or bring up your questions in a safe and welcoming setting.It’s an easy first step that may provide you with the encouragement andresolve you need to take the next step!
The next step is to contact Diana Morgan, Vegas PBS Major GiftsOfficer, to secure a Will & Trust Guide, which she will mail to your res-idence. The will kit will take you step by step through the process ofcollecting the documents necessary to create a will and or trust. Dianacan be reached at 702.799.1010 x5415, or e-mail at [emailprotected].
Finally, when you are ready to put your plan together, you may con-tact Diana for a referral to an estate planning expert on our PlannedGiving Council who will help you create your plan at a discounted rate.Our Council members do this to give back to the community and toencourage as many of our community members as possible to put theirplans in writing.
And that’s it! Not so bad, right? And how great will you feel knowingthat you have taken care of the people and charities most important toyou? It’s the new year and this is the time to make sure that you aretaking care of yourself. Vegas PBS, as always, is here to help.
he answer is Yes! Many of us avoid estate planning becausewe think “I don’t have a million dollar house” or “I don’twant to pay an attorney” or “It’s too complicated!” But com-plications arise when you DON’T plan for the future.
If you are a Vegas PBS member, we can help you take steps to planfor your future so that you can benefit the ones you love, our communi-ty or both! The first step you can take is attending one of our upcomingplanned giving seminars. We have six planned for 2014 on various top-ics related to estate planning. Just watch Channel 10 or check out thispage in your Vegas PBS Source magazine for details! At the seminars,
Thursday, February 20, 2014, Noon - 1:30 p.m.The Gay & Lesbian Community Center of Southern Nevada401 South Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas, Nevada Thomas Foskaris
Vegas PBS Planned Giving Council member James Davis, Attorney,James M. Davis Law Office
Post-DOMA Estate Planning for Same-Sex CouplesF r e e S e m i n a r
Kelly McCarthy
Join us for a free seminar that will help you understand how
same-sex spousal rights will be recognized in all areas of the
law and what estate planning techniques same-sex couples
can utilize to take advantage of the legal changes that will
result from the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act. Lunchwill be served. To register please contact Diana Morgan
at 702.799.1010 x5415 or [emailprotected].
14 V E G A S P B S S O U R C E
human rights issues. Her dramatic life istold with poetry and lyricism, and includesinterviews with Steven Spielberg, DannyGlover, Quincy Jones, Howard Zinn, GloriaSteinem, Sapphire and Walker herself.
February 14Great Performances: NationalTheatre: 50 Years on Stage
The National Theatre opened its doorsin 1963 with Laurence Olivier as its firstdirector. Eight hundred productions later,the venerable institution celebrates its50th anniversary with a starry cast of the-atrical legends to applaud the remarkable
February 7American Masters: AliceWalker: Beauty in Truth
Most famous for her seminal novel TheColor Purple, writer/activist Alice Walkercelebrates her 70th birthday. BornFebruary 9, 1944, into a family of share-croppers in rural Georgia, she came of ageduring the violent racism and seismicsocial changes of mid-20th-centuryAmerica. Her mother, poverty and partici-pation in the civil rights movement werethe formative influences on her conscious-ness, becoming the inherent themes in herwriting. The first African-American womanto win a Pulitzer Prize for Literature,Walker continues to shine a light on global
people and plays that have made it one ofthe most cherished and creative well-springs of international theater. The star-studded evening of live performance alsofeatures rare glimpses from the archive,spotlighting many of the most celebratedactors who have performed on theNational’s stages over the past fivedecades.
February 21Great Performances: Sting:The Last Ship
Rock ‘n’ roll Renaissance man Sting hasembarked on a new venture – a musicalplay for which he has written originalmusic and lyrics. Exploring a range of uni-versal themes, the play dramatizes theimpact of the demise of the ship-buildingindustry in Sting’s home town of Wallsend,England, which for so long had dominatedand shaped the city’s community life.Having grown up in the shadow of theSwan Hunter Shipyard, Sting was deeplyaffected by the subject, which inspiredhim to emerge from a decade-long absencefrom songwriting to produce more than adozen new songs for the Broadway-boundshow. In an exclusive performance record-ed at New York City’s Public Theater, Stingperforms an intimate concert of highlightsfrom the show, providing a narrative out-line for the musical as well as revealingthe autobiographical underpinnings forthe songs.
February 28Jazz and the Philharmonic
The program, directed by Larry Rosen,will showcase legendary vocal innovatorand multi-Grammy winner BobbyMcFerrin, NEA Jazz Master and 16-timeGrammy winner Chick Corea, along withEric Owens, Mark O'Connor, Dave Grusinand Shelly Berg. The evening is hosted byinternationally celebrated dancer/chore-ographer and Broadway star DesmondRichardson, who showcases his dazzlingmodern dance prowess. The concert willfeature the talents of these acclaimedartists performing themes by the world’sgreatest composers – including Bach,Debussy, Aaron Copland and HenryMancini – in a mix of orchestral stylingsand jazz improvisations. The evening cul-minates with an explosive grand finale,featuring the famous fanfare from RichardStrauss’s “Also Sprach Zarathustra,” whichwas used as the main theme in the 1968film 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Your OwnBackstagePassFridays at 9 p.m.on Vegas PBSChannel 10 and 10.1
...the first African-American woman
to win a Pulitzer Prize...”‘‘
Alice Walker in 1946 at age two
F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 4 15
ing performance by X-Man Hugh Jackmanas Curly. Also featured are original castmembers Josefina Gabrielle as Laurey,Maureen Lipman as Aunt Eller and Tony-winner Shuler Hensley as the hauntinglysympathetic Jud Fry.
American Masters:Carol Burnett: A Woman of CharacterSunday, February 9 at 3:30 p.m.
America in the 1960s and 70s was in tur-moil. The civil rights struggle, the war inVietnam and the sexual revolution defineda nation in conflict. But at 10 o’clock everySaturday night, Americans watched “TheCarol Burnett Show.” For 11 years, thewacky performer won our hearts with heredgy, always sympathetic, characters. Yet,as with so many brilliant comedians, hers
More Outstanding Art Programs
Carol Burnett: The Mark Twain Prize Sunday, February 2 at Noon
Carol Burnett – comedic icon and all-around performing legend – is the guest ofhonor when, for the 16th year, the comedyworld convenes in Washington, D.C., totoast the recipient of the Kennedy Center’sMark Twain Prize for American Humor. Theall-star cast includes Julie Andrews, LucieArnaz, Tony Bennett, Tim Conway, Tina Fey,Rashida Jones, Vicki Lawrence, AmyPoehler, Maya Rudolph, Martin Short andRosemary Watson. The program featurescomedic highlights from Burnett’s half-cen-tury career in show business.
Great Performances: Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Oklahoma!Sunday, February 2 at 2 p.m.
Still “doin’ fine” after 60 years, Rodgers& Hammerstein’s landmark Americanmusical Oklahoma! is reborn in this film ver-sion of the Royal National Theatre ofGreat Britain’s award-winning produc-tion. The magic of the originalLondon cast was captured in thisdeluxe film adaptation, whichincludes a sensational, star-mak-
Carol Burnett
artSceneWednesdays at 7:30 p.m.February 5 Jerry Misko
Over the years Jerry Misko has been voted“Best Artist” by numerous Las Vegas publica-tions, but his accolades hardly match theenergy of this prolific creator who exhibitsall over the U.S., has opened a prominentgallery, and has been practicing art inSouthern Nevada for more than a decade.February 12 Local Showcase #1
We will be airing three special episodesthat feature a compilation of the local seg-ments that we have produced over the pastyear. In this first Las Vegas-only showcase,photographer Daniel Robert Mollohanexpresses a raw truth through his images;aspiring actor Sean Kyle talks about how hebeat a rare form of cancer; painter JosephWatson reveals why positive messages areintegral to his work; and historic “artistic”motorcycles at Bally’s.
February 19 Local Showcase #2This week’s compilation features Barbara
and Larry Domsky of Domsky Glass whoinvite us into their new studio; painter RenzoLewis shows us his dream-like images;author William Donati reveals what drawshim to history’s mysteries; and an annual artcontest celebrates the showgirl.
February 26 Local Showcase #3Classical tenor Ingvar Estrada discusses
his passion for opera; a Las Vegas programprovides early musical training to kids inneed; Las Vegas News Bureau photographerDarrin Bush talks about his job and the city heloves; and painter Jerry Misko reveals how theneon lights of his hometown inspire his work.
was a difficult childhood. A glimpse ofsomething deeper and darker began toemerge in the dramatic career that fol-lowed her TV variety show.
Becoming an ArtistFriday, February 28 at 10:30 p.m.
This program follows young artists fromdiverse backgrounds and distant regions asthey apply to the Young Arts program,come together to share their work, createnew pieces and consider what a life in thearts might entail. This program serves as acompanion piece to Jazz and thePhilharmonic by providing background andcontext for the careers of many of the con-cert’s performers, whose talents YoungArts recognized and nurtured early on.
Rodgers and Hammerstein
16 V E G A S P B S S O U R C E
than 25 years. But this inhospitable land issoftened by the warmth shown by theSahawari people, who guide Michael southto the Mauritanian border. Here he climbsaboard the 'longest train in the world,”breaking his journey at Chinguetti.February 15 Destination Timbuktu
Leaving the desert behind, Michaelbriefly savors the delights of cosmopolitanSenegal – jazz clubs, wrestling competi-tions, dance troupes and the Queen of theSenegalese soaps, Marie-Madeleine. Aftertwo days and nights on a train, he arrives atthe home of the Dogon people. They haveone of the most distinctive and celebratedcultures of West Africa and they nearly killhim with a combination of excessively com-plex origin myths, an exploding flintlockand boiling hot millet. After securing a pas-sage on a cargo boat with a Norwegian mis-sionary called Kristin, the rest of the jour-ney down the Niger River to Timbuktuseems plain sailing, until the boat runsaground a day from its destination.February 22 Absolute Desert
Michael reaches Timbuktu along with acamel train carrying the giant salt blocksthat made the city one of the greatest cen-tres of Islamic learning up until the 16thcentury. He wanders through the rubblethat is 21st century Timbuktu to find theImam who shows him original astronomicaltextbooks that predate Galileo’s discoveriesby 200 years.
Michael meets up with a group of Tuaregfor the next leg of his journey, a camel trainacross the Tenere desert to Algeria. He isintroduced to the delights and vicissitudesof life on the move in the most desolatelandscape on the planet. Walking 12 hours aday, eating the odd sheep and learning therudiments of Tamashek, the language of theTuareg, Michael finally gets to grips withthe heart and soul of the desert.March 22 Dire Straits
Michael arrives at the border of Nigerand Algeria, the most desolate crossing,and then turns west along the North Coastpast deserted classical sites at Apollonia,Cyrene and Leptis Magna. Crossing intoTunis, Michael takes the Maghreb Expressto the dangerous city of Algiers, and thenwest to Algeria’s second city, Oran. Justalong the coast is Ceuta, a Spanish enclaveon Morocco's coast, where Michael talks towould-be immigrants before returning toGibraltar. En route he learns of the terriblefate that has engulfed many Saharan peo-ple who attempt the eight-mile crossing.
February 8 A Line in the SandTo reach the Sahara, Gibraltar is the
launching pad, where he crosses the Straitsto Tangier in Morocco. It is only after paus-ing in Fez and Marrakech, and scaling theHigh Atlas, that Michael enters real desert.This is hard, hot country, controlled by thePolisario Front who have been in con-frontation with the Moroccans for more
he Sahara. The size of theUnited States with a populationthe size of Norfolk. And withextreme temperatures and
camel poisoning thrown in, Michael Palinhad his work cut out. This in-depth seriesexplores nine exotic countries and theircultures during a trek across the SaharaDesert. Crossing the Sahara is one of thegreatest challenges in world travel.Michael encounters the difficulties travel-ers have faced for centuries, but is guidedby the fascinating people he meets alongthe way. His astonishing journey revealsnot only the emptiness of endless sand, buta diverse range of cultures, landscapes anda long history of civilization.
Sahara with Michael PalinSaturdays, February 8 - February 22 & March 22at 5 p.m. on Vegas PBS Channel 10 and 10.1
This in-depth series explores nine
exotic countries and their cultures...”‘‘
Michael Palin trying to tear himself awayfrom the team he has spent a week with
real story has been obscured. This programdeconstructs the mythology surroundingthe infamous desperado. Repeats Sunday,February 16 at 2:30 p.m.
Butch Cassidy &the Sundance Kid:Amer ican Exper ience9 p.m.
Long before Paul Newman and RobertRedford immortalized them on screen,Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid capti-vated Americans from coast to coast. In the
Billy the Kid:Amer ican Exper ience8 p.m.
On April 28, 1881, 21-year-old HenryMcCarty, alias Billy the Kid, just days frombeing hanged for murder, outfoxed hisjailors and electrified the nation with thelatest in a long line of daring escapes. Just afew weeks later, the notorious young outlawwas gunned down by an ambitious sheriff.The Kid was soon mythologized by a never-ending stream of dime-store romances andlater, big-screen dramas. But Billy the Kid’s
1890s, their exploits – robbing banks andtrains in the West and then seemingly van-ishing into thin air – became national newsand the basis of rumors and myth. But whowere Robert Leroy Parker and Harry AlonzoLongabaugh? How did they come together toform the Wild Bunch gang? And how didthey manage to pull off the longest string ofsuccessful holdups in history while eludingthe Pinkertons, the nation’s most feareddetective force? Separating fact from fic-tion, the film explores the last pair of out-laws to flee on horseback into a setting sun.Repeats Sunday, February 16 at 3:30 p.m.
Billy the Kid
The Fort Worth Five (l to r)Harry Alonzo Longabaugh(The Sundance Kid), WilliamCarver (News Carver),Benjamin Kilpatrick (The TallTexan), Harvey Logan (KidCurry), and Robert LeroyParker (Butch Cassidy).
F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 4 17
Ride into the Wild WestWith Amer i c an Exp e r i en c eTuesday, February 11 onVegas PBS Channel 10 and 10.1
18 V E G A S P B S S O U R C E
his compelling four-part political drama is a delicious tale of greed,
corruption and burning ambition in the cynical world of British party
politics. At its heart is Francis Urquhart, a black-hearted villain with
a smiling face, who shares with viewers his estranged humor and
innermost thoughts to destroy each of his political rivals. The plot follows his amoral
and manipulative scheme to climb the rungs of power to become Prime Minister of
the United Kingdom. Although Neftlix is airing a remake of this award-winning series,
now is your opportunity to enjoy the outstanding original series that started it all.
February 16 at 6 p.m. When charming Chief Whip Francis Urquhart is passed
over for promotion by a new party leader, he hatches a dastardly plot to wreak revenge on each and
every one of his colleagues. February 16 at 7 p.m. Urquhart forges ahead with his plan to bring
down the new Prime Minister. Meanwhile, the party faithful congregate at the Tory conference in
Brighton. February 23 at 5:30 p.m. Urquhart's plans to undermine Collingridge reach their con-
clusion. But Mattie Storin continues to investigate the story, and Urquhart must decide how to stop
her. February 23 at 6:30 p.m. In the run up to the leadership election, Urquhart becomes ever
more ruthless. He must eliminate each one of his rivals, but what can he do about Mattie?
To Play the King, the second part of this trilogy will be scheduled in March.
TIan Richardson
Susanna Harker and Ian Richardson
House of CardsSundays, February 16 and 23
on Vegas PBS Channel 10 and 10.1
Michelle Dockery and Joanne Froggatt
F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 4 19
he excitement continues through-out February as the most-watched drama in PBS historyreaches its Season 4 conclusion.
With new arrivals, departures, rivalries, andbetrayals, life goes on at Downton Abbey.February 2
Rose’s surprise party for Robert risksscandal. Mary meets an old suitor and Edithgets troubling news.February 9
When Robert and Thomas make a suddentrip, everyone’s life becomes more compli-cated. Mary and Blake come together overpigs. An unwelcome visitor appears.February 16
Robert and Thomas return from America.Bates disappears for a day, Edith prepares togo abroad, suitors flock to Mary and Rosemakes her move.February 23
The drama and intrigue come to a headfor the Crawley family and their servants inthe exciting finale as Paul Giamatti guest
sonal weakness of every person of impor-tance in the Western world? Repeats Sunday,February 9 at 5 p.m.
Murder on the HomefrontSunday, February 16 at 10:15 p.m.
When young women are found murderedamid the chaos of the London Blitz of WorldWar II, Pathologist Dr. Lennox Collins(Patrick Kennedy), on his first murder case,and assistant Molly Cooper (TamzinMerchant) clash with the police over justwho the main suspect is. Employing ground-breaking forensic techniques, can Lennoxand Molly save a seemingly innocent manfrom the gallows and prove there may bemore to these murders than meets the eye?
stars as Cora’s playboy brother, Harold.Episodes repeat the following Sunday leadinginto the new episode.
Masterpiece Mystery!:Sherlock, Series III:His Last VowSunday, February 2 at 10 p.m.
A case of stolen letters leads SherlockHolmes into a long conflict with CharlesAugustus Magnussen, the Napoleon of black-mail, and the one man he truly hates. Buthow do you tackle a foe who knows the per-
...young women are found murdered
among the chaos...”‘‘
M a s t e r p i e c e C l a s s i c :
Downton AbbeySundays at 9 p.m. onVegas PBS Channel 10 and 10.1
Martin Freeman and Benedict Cumberbatch
20 V E G A S P B S S O U R C E
Sew It AllSaturdays at 7 a.m.on Vegas PBSChannel 10 and 10.1
osted by Ellen March, this creative series teaches afundamental sewing technique plus a quick-and-easyproject that utilizes the technique. Whether you’re abeginner, intermediate or advanced sewist, you’ll
love the casual, fun vibe and no-fear approach that the programoffers. You’ll learn how to make the most out of your sewingmachine investment (no matter how much your machine cost), andyou’ll expand your machine’s capabilities by using different attach-ments, feet, stitches and great products that make sewing mucheasier than ever before. A special guest joins Ellen on each episodeto share different takes on traditional methods and inspire you tosew it all!
February 1Novel Idea Turn your favorite novel into a purse to show off yourinner bookworm.February 8Handbag Hardware Create a fabulous couture handbag incor-porating hardware for a professional finish.February 15All About Silk Learn the ins and outs of sewing silk, plus makean impressive table runner.February 22Traveling Pants Stitch up a pair of easy breezy pants that aresimple to sew and wear.
HEllynAnne Geisel and Ellen March
How To
New Sculptures on LoanAvailable For Sale to the Public
BCPAS brochures available at the
Hotel to help you enjoy your walking
tour of all the permanent and annual
sculpture exhibits.
For more information call 702.293.7731V i s i t P u b l i c A r t S c a p e . c o m
Eyes on The Web $12,000(left) by artist Lee KnudsonHigher Consciousness $3200(middle) by artist Matt Clark Garden Boy on Pedestal $7100(right) by artist L’Deane Trueblood
S u p p o r t t h e A r t s • C o m e E n j o y t h e P u b l i c A r t a n d H i s t o r y o f B o u l d e r C i t y
F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 4 21
22 V E G A S P B S S O U R C E
February 5 at 9 p.m.NOVA: Roman Catacomb Mystery
Beneath the streets of Rome lies anancient city of the dead known as the cata-combs – a labyrinth of tunnels, hundreds ofmiles long – a cemetery for the citizens ofancient Rome. In 2002, maintenance work-ers stumbled through an opening in one ofthe tunnel walls and discovered a previous-ly unknown complex of six small rooms,each stacked floor to ceiling with skele-tons. It was a mass grave, locked away fornearly 2,000 years. Who were these people?Why were so many interred in one place,piled atop each other? And most important-ly, what killed them? This forensic investi-gation opens up new insights into the dailylife and health of Roman citizens duringthe heyday of the mighty Roman Empire.Repeats Sunday, February 9 at 10 a.m.
February 5 at 10 p.m.Super Skyscrapers:One World Trade Center
Follow the final year of exterior con-struction on the 1,776-foot skyscraper builton Ground Zero. Please refer to the coverstory (page 7) for more information.
his month, architecture takescenter stage in several in-depth new specials, whileNOVA takes a look at several
ancient mysteries in three captivatingnew programs. And we haven’t forgottenour nature lovers! Spend Wednesdays explor-ing this diverse world with Vegas PBS.
February 5 at 8 p.m.Nature: An OriginalDUCKumentary
Ducks fly through the air on short stub-by wings – traveling in large, energy-effi-cient formations over thousands of miles.There are roughly 120 species of them, rep-resenting a wide variety of shapes, sizesand behaviors. Some are noisy and gregar-ious, others shy and elusive. They arefamiliar animals we think we know. Butmost of us don’t really know these phe-nomenal, sophisticated creatures at all.This program follows a wood duck familyas a male and female create a bond,migrate together across thousands ofmiles, nurture and protect a brood ofchicks, then come full circle as they headto their wintering grounds. RepeatsSunday, February 9 at 9 a.m.
T February 12 at 8 p.m.Nature: The Animal House
Why do some animals build structuresand others don’t? How do animals decidewhere to build? Animal homes need to besafe and secure, protected from predatorsand the weather. An eagle’s nest can weighup to one ton, a termite mound can standeight feet tall, and some falcon nest siteshave been around for centuries. Goingabove ground and under, this special inves-tigates just what goes into making a homewhen you’re wild and cost is not a factor.Repeats Sunday February 16 at 9 a.m.
February 12 at 9 p.m.NOVA: Great CathedralMystery
The dome that crowns Florence’s greatcathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore – theDuomo – is a masterpiece of Renaissanceingenuity and an enduring source of mys-tery. Still the largest masonry dome onearth, it is taller than the Statue of Libertyand weighs as much as an average cruiseship. Historians and engineers have longdebated how its architect, FilippoBrunelleschi, kept the dome perfectlyaligned and symmetrical as the sides roseand converged toward the center. Morethan four million bricks could collapse atany moment – and we still don’t under-stand how Brunelleschi prevented it. To
Exploration WednesdaysWednesdays, February 5 -26 from 8 p.m. - 11 p.m. on Vegas PBS Channel 10
Science & Nature
It was a mass grave, locked away for nearly 2,000 years. Who were these people?”‘‘
A burrowing owl peers out from its burrow
F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 4 23
used ropes to “walk” the statues upright,like moving a fridge. With the help of anaccurate 15-ton replica statue, a team setsout to test this high-risk, seemingly unlike-ly theory – serving up plenty of action andsurprises in this fresh investigation of oneof the ancient world’s most intriguing enig-mas. Repeats Sunday, February 23 at 10 a.m.
February 19 at 10 p.m.Super Skyscrapers:The Vertical City
Watch the rise of a veritable verticalcity, where tenants can work, rest and play within its walls.
February 26 at 8 p.m.Can Eating Insects Change the World?
Stefan Gates (“Food Factory,” “Cookingin the Danger Zone”) goes on a food adven-ture into the extraordinary world of insect-eating. He wants to share the experience ofpeople in Thailand and Cambodia who hunt,eat and sell edible bugs for a living. Butnothing quite prepares him for harvestingbugs on a mass scale from stalking grasshop-pers at night to catching fiercely biting ants.And it’s not just insects on the menu. Stefanalso goes hunting for the hairiest, scariestspider on the planet – the tarantula. As theworld faces food shortages, Stefan asks ifthe solution is for everyone – each of usincluded – to start eating insects too.
February 26 at 9 p.m.NOVA: Ground Zero Supertower
Return to Ground Zero to wit-ness the final chapter in an epicstory of engineering, innovation
test the latest theories, a team of U.S.bricklayers will help build an experimen-tal “mini-Duomo” using period tools andtechniques. Repeats Sunday, February 16 at10 a.m.
February 12 at 10 p.m.Super Skyscrapers:Building the Future
View a tower constructed off-site, thendelivered to London to be stacked andbolted together.
February 19 at 8 p.m.Nature: Honey Badgers:Masters of Mayhem
This “thug of the savannah” is one of themost fearless animals in the world,renowned for its ability to confront grownlions, castrate charging buffalo and shrugoff the toxic defenses of stinging bees,scorpions and snakes. Little is knownabout its behavior in the wild or why it isso aggressive. Follow badger specialists inSouth Africa who take on these masters ofmayhem in ways unimaginable. RepeatsSunday, February 23 at 9 a.m.
February 19 at 9 p.m.NOVA: Mystery ofEaster Island
A remote, bleak speck of rock in themiddle of the Pacific, Easter Island, orRapa Nui, has mystified the world eversince the first Europeans arrived in 1722.How and why did the ancient islandersbuild and move nearly 900 giant statues, ormoai, weighing up to 86 tons? And how didthey transform a presumed paradise into atreeless wasteland, bringing ruin upontheir island and themselves? Among theradical new theories is that the islanders
Great Cathedral Mystery,The Duomo, Italy.
Stefan Gates holding Tarantula with Tarantulacatching children, Poipet, Cambodia
Honey Badger
and the perseverance of the human spirit:the completion of One World Trade Center.This special examines the new skyscraperrising up 104 stories and 1,776 feet fromthe site where the Twin Towers once stood.In this update of the Emmy-nominatedspecial Engineering Ground Zero, NOVAgoes inside the construction of the tower’sfinal floors and the installation of its soar-ing, 800-ton spire and beacon. The filmalso goes underground to see another engi-neering marvel taking shape here: the con-struction of a museum that will house arti-facts from 9/11. The greatest test is still tocome, though: Will the final product be afitting site for national remembrance?
February 26 at 10 p.m.Super Skyscrapers:The Billionaire Building
Follow the teams tasked with creatingNew York’s most luxurious residential sky-scraper.
Sesame StreetMonday-Friday, February 3-7 at 10 a.m.
Let's get ready for the Olympics! The five funepisodes this week will feature games, sportsand sportsmanship in preparation for thisyear's Winter Olympics.
Curious George Monday-Friday, February 10-14 at 8 a.m.
This entertaining series features the premiereof Season 8 this week, with all-new episodesthat your children will love.
Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Monday-Friday, February 17-21at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.
This week will focus on Daniel’s Big Feelings,including five new episodes to help kids andcaregivers deal with jealousy, disappointmentand frustration.
Vegas PBS Channel 1010.1 Broadcast, 10 & 1010 HD Cox Cable,10 DirecTV, 10 & 1010 HD Prism Education, information, health and culture for general audiences
Vegas PBS On DemandVegasPBS.org
Vegas PBS Create 10.2 Broadcast, 112 Cox Cable,and 12 Prism“How- to” and lifestyle programming
Vegas PBS Vme10.3 Broadcast, 113 Cox Cable,9414 HD Dish, 846 DishLATINO,and 11 PrismEducation, lifestyle, performanceand culture in Spanish
Vegas PBS Rewind 110 Cox Cable The best of Channel 10 again with programs from CCSD, CSN and UNLV
Vegas PBS Jackpot! 111 Cox CableEducational and general audiencefor CCSD, CSN and UNLV
Vegas PBS Worldview114 Cox Cable, 2183 HD DirecTVNews for globally -minded people.
Now streaming live online at VegasPBS.org
24 V E G A S P B S S O U R C E
Voces6:00 a.m. Clifford the Big Red Dog
6:30 a.m. Sid the Science Kid
7:00 a.m. Arthur
7:30 a.m. Wild Kratts
8:00 a.m. Curious George
8:30 a.m. The Cat in the Hat Knows A Lot About That!
9:00 a.m. Peg + Cat
9:30 a.m. Dinosaur Train
10:00 a.m. Sesame Street
11:00 a.m. Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood
11:30 a.m. Signing Time!
NOON Clifford the Big Red Dog
12:30 p.m. Thomas and Friends
1:00 p.m. Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood
1:30 p.m. Peep & The Big Wide World/Pocoyo
2:00 p.m. Super WHY!
2:30 p.m. Dinosaur Train
3:00 p.m. Martha Speaks
3:30 p.m. Arthur
4:00 p.m. Arthur
4:30 p.m. WordGirl
5:00 p.m. Wild Kratts
5:30 p.m. Cyberchase
6:00 p.m. PBS NewsHour
7:00 p.m. Nightly Business Report
Vegas PBS Channels Weekdays | Vegas PBS 10
Curious George
Sesame Street
duch*ess Kate and Prince William
What’s On
Born to RoyaltySunday, February 16 at 4:30 p.m.on Vegas PBS Channel 10 and 10.1
Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood
Please visit VegasPBS.org for complete program scheduleOvernight on Vegas PBS Channel 10 | February
F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 4 25
12:00 a.m. 12:30 a.m. 1:00 a.m. 1:30 a.m. 2:00 a.m. 2:30 a.m. 3:00 a.m. 3:30 a.m. 4:00 a.m. 4:30 a.m. 5:00 a.m. 5:30 a.m.
2/1Tavis Smiley Nevada Week in
ReviewWashingtonWeek WithGwen Ifill
Charlie Rose --The Week
Great Performances: Barrymore. This film adaptationof William Luce’s play features Christopher Plummeras John Barrymore.
Great Romancesof the 20thCentury
Charlie Rose Wai Lana Yoga:Exhilaration!
b organicwith MicheleBeschen
2/2MI-5 Austin City Limits: Sarah Jarosz;
Milk Carton Kids.Doc Martin.Martin’sparents visit.
Scott & Bailey As Time Goes By Nazi Mega Weapons. ScientistWernher von Braun developsballistic missiles.
Wai Lana Yoga:Breathe andMeditate.
2/3Independent Lens: The State of Arizona. Arizonastruggles with illegal immigration.
Masterpiece Classic: DowntonAbbey Season 4.
Masterpiece Mystery!: Sherlock, Series III: His Last Vow. Why SherlockHolmes hates Charles Augustus Magnussen.
Great Romancesof the 20thCentury
Wai Lana Yoga ClassicalStretch:Esmonde
2/4Tavis Smiley 2014 Varsity
QuizAntiques Roadshow: Detroit, MI. British Antiques
Antiques Roadshow: Eugene, OR. Charlie Rose Wai Lana Yoga:Arch & Bend.
2/5Tavis Smiley Inside Education The Amish: American Experience The Amish Shunned: American Experience. Seven former members of
the Amish community discuss their struggles in modern America.Charlie Rose Wai Lana Yoga:
Flex Your Feet.ClassicalStretch:Esmonde
2/6Tavis Smiley artScene Nature: An Original
DUCKumentary.NOVA: Roman Catacomb Mystery. Super Skyscrapers: One World
Trade Center.Charlie Rose Wai Lana Yoga:
Plough Twist.ClassicalStretch:Esmonde
2/7Tavis Smiley British Antiques
RoadshowWild Caribbean: Hurricane Hell. Antiques Roadshow: Detroit, MI. Remote Control War Charlie Rose Wai Lana Yoga:
Bow Your Back.ClassicalStretch:Esmonde
2/8Tavis Smiley Nevada Week in
ReviewWashingtonWeek WithGwen Ifill
Charlie Rose --The Week
American Masters: Alice Walker: Beauty and Truth.Life of writer-activist Alice Walker, the first blackwoman to win a Pulitzer Prize for literature.
The Education ofHarvey Gantt
Charlie Rose Wai Lana Yoga:HamstringBalance.
b organicwith MicheleBeschen
2/9Austin City Limits: KaceyMusgraves; Dale Watson.
Doc Martin. A snake bites agroom, jeopardizing weddingplans.
Scott & Bailey MI-5. Two former inmates are setto launch an attack.
Remote Control War Wai Lana Yoga:Ab-Sense.
2/10POV: American Promise. Parents document son’sprogress through private school.
Masterpiece Classic: DowntonAbbey Season 4.
The Making of a Lady A man plans to kill apregnant woman to gain a fortune.
Masterpiece Classic: DowntonAbbey Season 4.
Wai Lana Yoga ClassicalStretch:Esmonde
2/11Tavis Smiley 2014 Varsity
QuizAntiques Roadshow: Detroit, MI. British Antiques
Antiques Roadshow: Eugene, OR. Charlie Rose Wai Lana Yoga:ShoulderstandFun.
2/12Tavis Smiley Inside Education Billy the Kid: American Experience Butch Cassidy & The Sundance
Kid: American ExperienceFRONTLINE: Hunting theNightmare Bacteria.
Charlie Rose Wai Lana Yoga ClassicalStretch:Esmonde
2/13Tavis Smiley artScene Nature: The Animal House.
The homelife of wildlife.NOVA. Bricklayers build an experi-mental mini-Duomo using periodtools and techniques.
Super Skyscrapers: Building theFuture.
Charlie Rose Wai Lana Yoga:Renew YourEnergy.
2/14Tavis Smiley British Antiques
RoadshowWild Caribbean: Secret Shores. Antiques Roadshow: Detroit, MI. The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler Charlie Rose Wai Lana Yoga:
Forward Folds.ClassicalStretch:Esmonde
2/15Tavis Smiley Nevada Week in
ReviewWashingtonWeek With GwenIfill
Charlie Rose --The Week
Great Performances: National Theatre: 50 Years on Stage. The RoyalNational Theatre celebrates 50 years. Guests include BenedictCumberbatch and Judi Dench.
Charlie Rose Wai Lana Yoga:Rocking Bow.
b organicwith MicheleBeschen
2/16Austin City Limits: Arcade Fire.Alternative rockers Arcade Fireperform hits.
Doc Martin: Erotomania. Dannyasks Louisa to move in with him,but she has doubts.
Scott & Bailey MI-5. Harry kidnaps his old ColdWar colleague.
The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler Wai Lana Yoga:Hold Your Toes!
2/17Independent Lens: Spies ofMississippi.
Masterpiece Classic: DowntonAbbey Season 4.
Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey Season 4.Robert and Thomas return from America; Batesdisappears; Edith prepares for her trip.
Murder on the Home Front A pathologist uses newforensic techniques to nab a killer.
Wai Lana Yoga ClassicalStretch:Esmonde
2/18Tavis Smiley 2014 Varsity
QuizAntiques Roadshow: Baton Rouge,LA.
British AntiquesRoadshow
Antiques Roadshow: Pittsburgh,PA.
Charlie Rose Wai Lana Yoga:Crane Poses.
2/19Tavis Smiley Inside Education Grand Coulee Dam: American
ExperienceThe Rise and Fall of Penn Station:American Experience
FRONTLINE. Relationship betweenteens and companies that targetthem.
Charlie Rose Wai Lana Yoga:Lower BackSpecial.
2/20Tavis Smiley artScene Nature: Honey Badgers: Masters
of Mayhem.NOVA: Mystery of Easter Island.Long ago, islanders created 900moai on Easter Island.
Super Skyscrapers. ShanghaiTower contains businesses,services and hotels.
Charlie Rose Wai Lana Yoga:Lower BackSpecial.
2/21Tavis Smiley British Antiques
RoadshowLife in the Undergrowth: Invasionof the Land. Millipedes, slugs andworms.
Antiques Roadshow: Baton Rouge,LA.
The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler.Hitler leads the German people towar in 1939.
Charlie Rose Wai Lana Yoga:Un-Knot YourNeck.
2/22Tavis Smiley Nevada Week in
ReviewWashingtonWeek With GwenIfill
Charlie Rose --The Week
Great Performances: Sting: The Last Ship. Stingperforms highlights from his musical play about thedemise of the ship-building industry.
One Night inMarch
Charlie Rose Wai Lana Yoga:Lean on It.
b organicwith MicheleBeschen
2/23Austin City Limits: Radiohead..Alternative rockers Radiohead per-form songs.
Doc Martin: On the Edge. Scott & Bailey. A murderer putshimself at the heart of his victim’sfamily.
MI-5. Harry is handed over tothe CIA ready for deportation.
The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler.Hitler leads the German peopleto war in 1939.
Wai Lana Yoga:Lean on It.
2/24Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey Season 4.Robert and Thomas return from America; Batesdisappears; Edith prepares for her trip.
Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey Season 4. Lady Rose meets thePrince of Wales; trouble plagues Cora’s mother, brother and Edith.
Great Performances: Sting: The Last Ship. Stingperforms highlights from his musical play aboutthe demise of the ship-building industry.
Wai Lana Yoga ClassicalStretch:Esmonde
2/25Tavis Smiley 2014 Varsity
QuizAntiques Roadshow: Baton Rouge,LA.
British AntiquesRoadshow
Antiques Roadshow: Pittsburgh,PA.
Charlie Rose Wai Lana Yoga:Ease Into It!
2/26Tavis Smiley Inside Education American Experience: Triangle Fire. FRONTLINE: Secrets of the Vatican.. Benedict XVI is the first pope in
600 years to step down from leading the Roman Catholic Church.Charlie Rose Wai Lana Yoga:
Perfect Posture.ClassicalStretch:Esmonde
2/27Tavis Smiley artScene Can Eating Insects Save the
World?NOVA: Ground Zero Supertower. Super Skyscrapers: The Billionaire
Building.Charlie Rose Wai Lana Yoga Classical
2/28Tavis Smiley British Antiques
RoadshowLife in the Undergrowth. Tale ofthe first animals ever to take tothe air.
Antiques Roadshow: Baton Rouge,LA.
The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler Charlie Rose Wai Lana Yoga ClassicalStretch:Esmonde
Primetime | January 26 — February 1 Please visit VegasPBS.org for complete program schedule
*Programs subject to change.
8:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 10:30 p.m.
Vegas PBS 10Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey Season 4. Mary, Edith, Tomand Anna struggle.
Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey Season 4. Bates worriesabout Anna.
(9:58) Masterpiece Mystery!: Sherlock, Series III: The Sign ofThree. Sherlock faces his biggest challenge.
Vegas PBS RewindUNLV Connections
Vegas PBS Worldview
Vegas PBS CreateJacques Pépin: More Fast FoodMy Way
America’s Test Kitchen FromCook’s Illustrated
Chef John Besh’s New Orleans A Chef’s Life. Oyster farm; plansfor an oyster bar.
Ask This Old House Rick Steves’ Europe. Huntingfor truffles.
Vegas PBS Jackpot!Natural Heroes. Six youngpeople honored.
Bluegrass Underground Independent Lens: Blood Brother. Rocky Braat helps HIV-infected orphans. Independent Lens: How toSurvive a Plague.
Vegas PBS VmeCuéntame Cómo Pasó Escenario: Gustavo Dudamel y la Filarmónica de Los Angeles. Unos de los conductores mas
jóvenes y energético.Quiero Ser: Carlos Tevez.
Vegas PBS 10Antiques Roadshow: Detroit, MI. A 1970 Andy Warhol poster. British Antiques Roadshow Priceless Antiques Roadshow Antiques Roadshow: Eugene, OR. Signed Ty Cobb memorabilia.
Vegas PBS RewindWonders of the West. ZionNational Park; hot spring.
Outdoor Nevada Rick Steves’ Europe: Istanbul. Baking With Julia. LaurenGroveman: bagels, matzos.
Doc Martin: Always on My Mind. Helen Pratt dies during anexamination.
Vegas PBS WorldviewBiz Asia America Don Matteo Don Matteo
Vegas PBS CreateLidia’s Italy in America: For theLove of Soup.
Cook’s Country From America’sTest Kitchen
Cooking With Nick Stellino: AShrimp Feast.
A Chef’s Life: Muscadine Time. This Old House. Securing thenew roof to the old.
Rick Steves’ Europe. Fine livingin Burgundy, France.
Vegas PBS Jackpot!Charlie Rose Moveable Feast With Fine
CookingNeven Maguire: Home Chef Chef John Besh’s Family Table Cook’s Country From America’s
Test Kitchen
Vegas PBS VmeÁfrica de mi Corazón. Los hechos que rodean la vida de unveterinario.
Estelares: Mi Casa Está llena de Espejos. La vida y carrera deRomilda Villani. (Part 1)
El Barco: El Fantasma Pirata. En el siglo VIII, el capitán Cook aborde del Endeavour.
Vegas PBS 10The Amish: American Experience. Contemporary Amish faith andlife.
Frontline: League of Denial: The NFL’s Concussion Crisis. The NFLand brain injuries in players. (Part 1)
Vegas PBS RewindMasterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey Season 4. Mary, Edith, Tomand Anna struggle.
Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey Season 4. Bates worriesabout Anna.
Masterpiece Mystery!: Sherlock, Series III: The Sign of Three.Sherlock faces his biggest challenge.
Vegas PBS WorldviewBiz Asia America Borsellino: The 57 Days. The story of anti-organized-crime Judge Paolo Borsellino.
Vegas PBS CreateJacques Pépin: More Fast FoodMy Way
America’s Test Kitchen FromCook’s Illustrated
Chef John Besh’s New Orleans A Chef’s Life. Heirloom rice;saving heirloom grains.
Woodwright’s Shop. Simple toolchest.
Rick Steves’ Europe: France’sDordogne.
Vegas PBS Jackpot!Charlie Rose Classic Gospel: Gaither Homecoming Celebration. Howard and
Vestal Goodman and Jake Hess.Front and Center: Train. Train performs in New York.
Vegas PBS VmeComisario Rex: Cuando los Niños Quieren Morir. Estelares: Mi Casa Está llena de Espejos. La vida y carrera de
Romilda Villani. (Part 2)Long Lasting Youth
Vegas PBS 10Nature: The Funkiest Monkeys. Crested black macaques inIndonesia.
NOVA: Ghosts of Murdered Kings. Victims unearthed in Ireland’sbogs.
Hawking. Stephen Hawking’s life, including his scientific-discoveries and rise to fame.
Vegas PBS RewindAntiques Roadshow: Detroit, MI. A 1970 Andy Warhol poster. British Antiques Roadshow Priceless Antiques Roadshow Antiques Roadshow: Eugene, OR. Signed Ty Cobb memorabilia.
Vegas PBS WorldviewBiz Asia America East West 101
Vegas PBS CreateLidia’s Italy in America Cook’s Country From America’s
Test KitchenCooking With Nick Stellino A Chef’s Life. Pepsi-glazed pork
belly with peanuts.Ask This Old House Rick Steves’ Europe: Barcelona
and Catalunya.
Vegas PBS Jackpot!Charlie Rose The Ideas Exchange In Pursuit of Passion Moyers & Company Charlie Rose -- The Week
Vegas PBS VmeAlerta Cobra: Valor Moral. No hay descanso para esto hombresque actúan en la carrera.
Estelares: Mi Casa Está llena de Espejos. La vida y carrera deRomilda Villani. (Part 3)
Pulseras Rojas
Vegas PBS 10Wild Caribbean: Reefs & Wrecks. Underwater treasures. Antiques Roadshow: Detroit, MI. A 1970 Andy Warhol poster. Nazi Mega Weapons: V2 Rocket. Scientist Wernher von Braun.
Vegas PBS RewindNOVA: Ghosts of Murdered Kings FRONTLINE: League of Denial: The NFL’s Concussion Crisis. The
NFL and brain injuries in players.
Vegas PBS WorldviewBiz Asia America Unni Lindell: The Dream Catcher. Cato Isaksen investigates.
Vegas PBS CreateJacques Pépin: More Fast FoodMy Way
America’s Test Kitchen FromCook’s Illustrated
Chef John Besh’s New Orleans A Chef’s Life: Love Me SomeCandied Yams!
Woodwright’s Shop. Two-screwwooden vise.
Rick Steves’ Europe. VaticanCity; Monaco.
Vegas PBS Jackpot!Charlie Rose Independent Lens: Blood Brother. Rocky Braat helps HIV-infected orphans. Independent Lens: How to
Survive a Plague.
Vegas PBS V-mePatrulla en Altamar. Náutico de restauración. Estelares: Mi Casa Está llena de Espejos. La vida y carrera de
Romilda Villani. (Part 4)Grand Hotel
Vegas PBS 10Washington Week With GwenIfill
Charlie Rose -- The Week Great Performances: Barrymore. Film adaptation of William Luce’s play. Great Romances: Bonnie &Clyde
Vegas PBS RewindNature: The Funkiest Monkeys. Crested black macaques inIndonesia.
NOVA: Ghosts of Murdered Kings. Victims unearthed in Ireland’sbogs.
Hawking. Stephen Hawking’s life, including his scientific discov-eries and rise to fame.
Vegas PBS WorldviewBiz Asia America The Inspector and the Sea: Alone in the Dark Forest. Death at University; suspects murder.
Vegas PBS CreateLidia’s Italy in America Cook’s Country From America’s
Test KitchenCooking With Nick Stellino.Sicilian stuffed meatloaf.
A Chef’s Life. Collard kraut; cab-bage collard.
This Old House. Securing thenew roof to the old.
Rick Steves’ Europe: GreatSwiss Cities.
Vegas PBS Jackpot!Charlie Rose In the Americas With David
YetmanJourneys in Africa: Ngorongoro:Battle for the Crater.
Globe Trekker: Around the World -- Pacific Journeys: Santiago toPitcairn. Santiago de Chile; Tahiti.
Vegas PBS VmeCuéntame Cómo Pasó Dance Academy Héroes con Trayectorias Jorge Gestoso Investiga
Vegas PBS 10As Time Goes By. Rewrites inLionel’s script.
Are You Being Served?:Goodbye Mr. Grainger.
Doc Martin: The Family Way. Martin’s parents visit; startlingnews.
(9:50) Scott & Bailey (10:41) MI-5. Classified infor-mation is stolen.
Vegas PBS RewindNOVA: Ghosts of Murdered Kings. Victims unearthed in Ireland’sbogs.
Antiques Roadshow: Detroit, MI. A 1970 Andy Warhol poster. Nazi Mega Weapons: V2 Rocket. Scientist Wernher von Braun.
Vegas PBS Worldview
Vegas PBS CreateCoastal Cooking With JohnShields: Coastal Tailgate.
Primal Grill With StevenRaichlen: At the Game.
Rachel’s Favorite Food forLiving: Good Fast Food.
Sara’s Weeknight Meals.Chicken paillarde; tzatziki.
Katie Brown Rough Cut -- Woodworking WithTommy Mac
Vegas PBS Jackpot!Nature: The Funkiest Monkeys. Crested black macaques inIndonesia.
All-Star Orchestra: Music for the Theatre. “The Firebird Suite.” All-Star Orchestra: What Makes a Masterpiece?. Symphony No.5; “Harmonium Mountain.”
Vegas PBS VmePiratas Red Band Society Alerta Cobra. No hay descanso para esto hombres que actúan
en la carrera.
East West 101
European Journal 2014 In the News Room Marie’s Mind for Murder
Euromaxx Highlights Bangladesh Today Nicolas le Floch: The Nicolas Le Floch Affair. Nicolas Le Floch suspected of a crime.
Frontline: League of Denial: The NFL’s Concussion Crisis. The NFLand brain injuries in players. (Part 2)
Extraordinary Women: Agatha Christie
F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 4 27
ThisWeek’s Picks
Nazi Mega Weapons: V2 RocketThursday, January 30 at 10 p.m. on Vegas PBS Channel 10
n a quest for world domination, the Nazis built some of the biggest and deadliest pieces
of military hardware and malevolent technology in history. This new six-part series recounts
World War II from a unique new perspective, uncovering the engineering secrets of iconic
megastructures, telling the stories of the engineers who designed them and revealing how
these structures sparked a technological revolution that changed warfare forever. This
week’s episode details the first ever long-range rockets, designed and built by the Nazis. This is the
story of how scientist Werner von Braun heralded the birth of ballistic missiles and laid the tech-
nological foundations for the space race.
Stephen Hawking
A scene from V2 Rocket
Amish family taking a walk
Exploration WednesdayWednesday, January 29 from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. on Vegas PBS Channel 10The evening begins at 8 p.m. with Nature: The Funkiest Monkeys. Examine the plight of crestedblack macaques, feisty monkeys with punk hair and expressive faces. At 9 p.m., NOVA: Ghostsof Murdered Kings hunts for clues to the identity and death circ*mstances of victims unearthedin Ireland’s bogs. Then at 10 p.m., Hawking tells the intimate and revealing story of StephenHawking’s life. Told for the first time in Hawking’s own words and with unique access to hishome and public life, this is a personal journey through Hawking’s world. It follows Hawking’slife journey, from boyhood underachiever to PhD genius, and from a healthy cox on the Oxfordrowing team to diagnosis of motor neuron disease, given just two years to live – yet survivingseveral close brushes with death.
The Amish:American ExperienceThursday, January 30 at 8 p.m.on Vegas PBS RewindThis intriguing program answers manyquestions Americans have about this insis-tently insular religious community, whoseintense faith and adherence to 300-year-old traditions have by turns captivated andrepelled, inspired and confused for morethan a century. With unprecedentedaccess, built on patience and hard-wontrust, the film is the first to penetratedeeply and explore this attention-aversegroup. In doing so, the program paints anintimate portrait of contemporary Amishfaith and life. It questions why and howthe Amish, a persistently closed and com-munal culture, have thrived within one ofthe most open, individualistic societies onearth; explores how, despite theiringrained submissiveness, the Amish havesuccessfully asserted themselves in resist-ing the encroachments of modern societyand government; and looks at what thefuture holds for a community whose exis-tence is so rooted in the past. Originallyairs on Vegas PBS Channel 10 Tuesday,January 28 at 8 p.m.
Primetime | February 2 — February 8 Please visit VegasPBS.org for complete program schedule
*Programs subject to change.
8:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 10:30 p.m.
Vegas PBS 10Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey Season 4. Bates worriesabout Anna.
Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey Season 4. Rose’s surpriseparty for Robert.
Masterpiece Mystery!: Sherlock, Series III: His Last Vow. Holmeshates Charles Augustus Magnussen.
Vegas PBS RewindUNLV Connections
Vegas PBS Worldview
Vegas PBS CreateJacques Pépin: More Fast FoodMy Way: Citrus Thrill.
America’s Test Kitchen FromCook’s Illustrated
Chef John Besh’s New Orleans A Chef’s Life. Maple View Dairy;buttermilk.
Ask This Old House Rick Steves’ Europe. Fine livingin Burgundy, France.
Vegas PBS Jackpot!Natural Heroes. Fishermanopposes a building plan.
Bluegrass Underground. CellistBen Sollee performs.
Eye on the 60s: The Iconic Photography of Rowland Scherman Photographer Rowland Schermancaptures historical images.
A Ripple of Hope
Vegas PBS VmeCuéntame Cómo Pasó Great Performances Quiero Ser
Vegas PBS 10Antiques Roadshow: Detroit, MI. Marvin Gaye’s 1964 passport;painting.
British Antiques Roadshow Priceless Antiques Roadshow Antiques Roadshow: Eugene, OR. New England Chippendalechest-on-chest.
Vegas PBS RewindWonders of the West: GreatBasin.
Outdoor Nevada Rick Steves’ Europe. Historicalsites in Tehran, Iran.
Baking With Julia Doc Martin: The Family Way. Martin’s parents visit; startlingnews.
Vegas PBS WorldviewBiz Asia America Don Matteo Don Matteo
Vegas PBS CreateLidia’s Italy in America Cook’s Country From America’s
Test KitchenCooking With Nick Stellino A Chef’s Life. Incorporating
moonshine into drinks.This Old House. Leveling outthe ceiling and floor.
Rick Steves’ Europe. Gardens,art and fine music.
Vegas PBS Jackpot!Charlie Rose Moveable Feast With Fine
CookingNeven Maguire: Home Chef Chef John Besh’s Family Table Cook’s Country From America’s
Test Kitchen
Vegas PBS VmeÁfrica de mi Corazón. Los hechos que rodean la vida de un vet-erinario.
Estelares: Girls of San Frediano (Part 1) El Barco
Vegas PBS 10The Amish: American Experience The Amish Shunned: American Experience. Seven former members of the Amish community discuss their struggles in modern
Vegas PBS RewindMasterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey Season 4. Bates worriesabout Anna.
Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey Season 4. Rose’s surpriseparty for Robert.
(9:58) Masterpiece Mystery!: Sherlock, Series III: His Last Vow.Holmes hates Charles Augustus Magnussen.
Vegas PBS WorldviewBiz Asia America Donna Detective
Vegas PBS CreateJacques Pépin: More Fast FoodMy Way
America’s Test Kitchen FromCook’s Illustrated
Chef John Besh’s New Orleans A Chef’s Life. Chef VivianHoward opens a restaurant.
Woodwright’s Shop. Makingmetal screws.
Rick Steves’ Europe. ArtNouveau; peat bathing.
Vegas PBS Jackpot!Charlie Rose Classic Gospel: Bev Shea: Then Sings My Soul. George Beverly
Shea performs.Front and Center: JJ Grey & Mofro. JJ Grey & Mofro perform inNew York.
Vegas PBS VmeComisario Rex Estelares: Girls of San Frediano (Part 2) Long Lasting Youth
Vegas PBS 10Nature: An Original DUCKumentary. Wood ducks care forducklings.
NOVA: Roman Catacomb Mystery. Caverns found in theCatacombs of Rome.
Super Skyscrapers: One World Trade Center. One World TradeCenter in New York.
Vegas PBS RewindAntiques Roadshow: Detroit, MI. Marvin Gaye’s 1964 passport;painting.
British Antiques Roadshow Priceless Antiques Roadshow Antiques Roadshow: Eugene, OR. New England Chippendalechest-on-chest.
Vegas PBS WorldviewBiz Asia America Spiral Spiral
Vegas PBS CreateLidia’s Italy in America. Bostoncream cupcakes.
Cook’s Country From America’sTest Kitchen
Cooking With Nick Stellino A Chef’s Life. Strawberries;coconut shortcake.
Ask This Old House Rick Steves’ Europe: Athens andSide Trips.
Vegas PBS Jackpot!Charlie Rose The Ideas Exchange In Pursuit of Passion Moyers & Company Charlie Rose -- The Week
Vegas PBS V-meAlerta Cobra. No hay descanso para esto hombres que actúanen la carrera.
Estelares: Girls of San Frediano (Part 3) Red Band Society
Vegas PBS 10Wild Caribbean: Hurricane Hell. Hurricane season. Antiques Roadshow: Detroit, MI. Marvin Gaye’s 1964 passport;
painting.Remote Control War
Vegas PBS RewindThe Amish: American Experience The Amish Shunned: American Experience. Seven former members of the Amish community discuss their struggles in modern
Vegas PBS WorldviewBiz Asia America Unni Lindell
Vegas PBS CreateJacques Pépin: More Fast FoodMy Way
America’s Test Kitchen FromCook’s Illustrated
Chef John Besh’s New Orleans A Chef’s Life. Practice service;grits.
Woodwright’s Shop. Triangularstool.
Rick Steves’ Europe: Greece’sPeloponnese.
Vegas PBS Jackpot!Charlie Rose Eye on the 60s: The Iconic Photography of Rowland Scherman Photographer Rowland Scherman
captures historical images.A Ripple of Hope
Vegas PBS VmePatrulla en Altamar. Náutico de restauración. Estelares: Girls of San Frediano (Part 4) Grand Hotel
Vegas PBS 10Washington Week With GwenIfill
Charlie Rose -- The Week American Masters: Alice Walker: Beauty in Truth. Life of writer-activist Alice Walker. The Education of Harvey Gantt
Vegas PBS RewindNature: An Original DUCKumentary. Wood ducks care for duck-lings.
NOVA: Roman Catacomb Mystery. Caverns found in theCatacombs of Rome.
Super Skyscrapers: One World Trade Center. One World TradeCenter in New York.
Vegas PBS WorldviewBiz Asia America The Inspector and the Sea
Vegas PBS CreateLidia’s Italy in America Cook’s Country From America’s
Test KitchenCooking With Nick Stellino A Chef’s Life. Two pigs; sweet
potatoes.This Old House. Leveling outthe ceiling and floor.
Rick Steves’ Europe:Copenhagen.
Vegas PBS Jackpot!Charlie Rose In the Americas With David
YetmanJourneys in Africa: Nairobi: TheEnchanted City.
Globe Trekker: Paris City Guide 2. Luxembourg Gardens; LeCordon Bleu.
Vegas PBS VmeCuéntame Cómo Pasó Dance Academy Jorge Gestoso Investiga
Vegas PBS 10As Time Goes By. Getting rid ofLionel’s secretary.
Are You Being Served?: It Paysto Advertise.
Doc Martin: Out of the Woods. A snake jeopardizes a wedding. (9:50) Scott & Bailey. The truth behind the killings surfaces.
Vegas PBS RewindNOVA: Roman Catacomb Mystery. Caverns found in theCatacombs of Rome.
Antiques Roadshow: Detroit, MI. Marvin Gaye’s 1964 passport;painting.
Remote Control War
Vegas PBS Worldview
Vegas PBS CreateKatie Brown Workshop:Wedding.
Christina Cooks. Penne withartichokes and garlic.
Art of Food With Wendy Brodie:Valentines.
P. Allen Smith’s Garden to Table Katie Brown Workshop. Trufflesand pecan buddies.
Christina Cooks. Intimate din-ner.
Vegas PBS Jackpot!Nature: An Original DUCKumentary. Wood ducks care for duck-lings.
All-Star Orchestra: Politics and Art. Shostakovich’sSymphony No. 5.
All-Star Orchestra: Relationships in Music. Brahms’ “AcademicFestival Overture.”
Vegas PBS VmePiratas Red Band Society Alerta Cobra. No hay descanso para esto hombres que actúan
en la carrera.
Heroes Con Trayectorias
European Journal 2014 In the News Room Marie’s Mind for Murder
Euromaxx Highlights Bangladesh Today Nicolas le Floch
F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 4 29
Antiques Roadshow: Detroit, MIMonday, February 3 at 8 p.m. on Vegas PBS Channel 10This week revs up for hour two in Motor City as host Mark L. Walberg and apprais-er Noel Barrett head to the Ypsilanti Automotive Heritage Museum to exploremodel cars made by Hudson Car Company. Highlights include Marvin Gaye’s 1964passport, found inside an album purchased for 50 cents at an estate sale; a Petrusvan Schendel oil painting, circa 1860, that exemplifies the artist’s famous can-dlelit scenes; and a signed photo album of President Abraham Lincoln and hisCabinet and Senate, valued at $75,000 to $100,000, discovered while the guest wascleaning her grandmother’s basem*nt. Repeats Thursday, February 6 at 9 p.m.
ThisWeek’s PicksWild Caribbean: Hurricane HellThursday, February 6 at 8 p.m. on Vegas PBS Channel 10
he Caribbean is the embodiment of paradise: crystal blue waters, magical coral reefs
and lush tropical forests. Yet behind its beauty lie many dark and mysterious secrets.
This four-part series continues this week, revealing both the magic and the drama of a
violent paradise. The Caribbean lies right on the track of the most destructive hurri-
canes and storms on the planet. Follow the story of one of the most devastating in recent times
and its impact on the plants, animals and people that live there. It’s a story of destruction and
renewal; the price of living in the tropics, right at the crossroads where the winds and currents of
the North and South Atlantic meet. But the same winds and currents bring some of the Caribbean’s
most intriguing visitors; whale sharks, dolphins and sperm whales travel to these shores each year.
Planeta Feroz:Living with WolvesMonday, February 3 at 5 p.m.on Vegas PBS VmeExplore nature and learn about the daz-zling variety and complexity of its crea-tures in this fascinating weekly series.This week’s episode focuses on the worldof wolves. A hundred years ago the wolfwas common throughout most of Europe.Today, shattered populations remain inonly a few countries, in areas where peo-ple have accepted sharing their environ-ment with an animal that at times causeshavoc and conflict. For more than 30years, international scientist and filmdirector Erik Zimen has lived with wolvesand studied people’s behavior towardsthem, capturing unique footage on cameraof wolves’ behavior across Europe, fromScandinavia, Spain and Germany, to Italyand Romania.
1623 Shakespeare First Folio
Hurricane above the Atlantic Ocean
Marvin Gaye
*Programs subject to change.
Primetime | February 9 — February 15 Please visit VegasPBS.org for complete program schedule8:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 10:30 p.m.
Vegas PBS 10Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey Season 4. Rose’s surpriseparty for Robert.
Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey Season 4. Robert andThomas take a trip.
The Making of a Lady Lydia Wilson, Joanna Lumley. A man plansto kill a pregnant woman to gain a fortune.
Vegas PBS RewindUNLV Connections
Vegas PBS Worldview
Vegas PBS CreateJacques Pépin: More Fast FoodMy Way
America’s Test Kitchen FromCook’s Illustrated
Chef John Besh’s New Orleans A Chef’s Life. Ultimate tomatosandwich.
Ask This Old House. Repairing arotted porch post.
Rick Steves’ Europe. Gardens,art and fine music.
Vegas PBS Jackpot!Natural Heroes. Three animatedshort documentaries.
Bluegrass Underground. TheSteelDrivers perform.
American Masters: Alice Walker: Beauty in Truth. Life of writer-activist Alice Walker. The Education of Harvey Gantt
Vegas PBS VmeCuéntame Cómo Pasó Great Performances Quiero Ser
Vegas PBS 10Antiques Roadshow: Detroit, MI. Drawing of Linus by CharlesSchulz.
British Antiques Roadshow Priceless Antiques Roadshow Antiques Roadshow: Eugene, OR. Tin toys; Marx car and dumptruck.
Vegas PBS RewindWonders of the West: CaliforinaMigration.
Outdoor Nevada Rick Steves’ Europe: Iran’sHistoric Capitals.
Baking With Julia. Walnutbread; decorative loaves.
Doc Martin: Out of the Woods. A snake jeopardizes a wedding.
Vegas PBS WorldviewBiz Asia America In The Moonlight In The Moonlight
Vegas PBS CreateLidia’s Italy in America Cook’s Country From America’s
Test KitchenCooking With Nick Stellino:Delicious Chicken Dinner.
A Chef’s Life. Oyster farm;plans for an oyster bar.
This Old House. Vertical beadedsiding; corbels.
Rick Steves’ Europe. The open-air museum in Aarhus.
Vegas PBS Jackpot!Charlie Rose Moveable Feast With Fine
CookingNeven Maguire: Home Chef Chef John Besh’s Family Table Cook’s Country From America’s
Test Kitchen
Vegas PBS VmeÁfrica de mi Corazón. Los hechos que rodean la vida de unveterinario.
Estelares: Paquirri (Part 1) Confesiones de una Doctora
Vegas PBS 10Billy the Kid: American Experience. Billy the Kid capturesnational attention with violence.
Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid: American Experience FRONTLINE: Hunting the Nightmare Bacteria. Untreatable infec-tions in hospitals.
Vegas PBS RewindMasterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey Season 4. Rose’s surpriseparty for Robert.
Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey Season 4. Robert andThomas take a trip.
The Making of a Lady Lydia Wilson, Joanna Lumley. A man plansto kill a pregnant woman to gain a fortune.
Vegas PBS WorldviewBiz Asia America Donna Detective
Vegas PBS CreateJacques Pépin: More Fast FoodMy Way
America’s Test Kitchen FromCook’s Illustrated
Chef John Besh’s New Orleans A Chef’s Life: Muscadine Time. Woodwright’s Shop. Adjustablebookstand.
Rick Steves’ Europe: Istanbul.
Vegas PBS Jackpot!Charlie Rose Classic Gospel: Tent Revival Homecoming. The Tent Revival
Homecoming.Front and Center: Preservation Hall Jazz Band. Preservation HallJazz Band performs.
Vegas PBS VmeComisario Rex Estelares: Paquirri (Part 2) Long Lasting Youth
Vegas PBS 10Nature: The Animal House. The homelife of wildlife. NOVA: Great Cathedral Mystery. Experimental mini-Duomo. Super Skyscrapers: Building the Future. The Leadenhall Building
in London.
Vegas PBS RewindAntiques Roadshow: Detroit, MI. Drawing of Linus by CharlesSchulz.
British Antiques Roadshow Priceless Antiques Roadshow Antiques Roadshow: Eugene, OR. Tin toys; Marx car and dumptruck.
Vegas PBS WorldviewBiz Asia America Spiral Spiral
Vegas PBS CreateLidia’s Italy in America: AnotherSeafood Celebration.
Cook’s Country From America’sTest Kitchen
Cooking With Nick Stellino A Chef’s Life. Heirloom rice;saving heirloom grains.
Ask This Old House. Repairing arotted porch post.
Rick Steves’ Europe. Historicalsites in Tehran, Iran.
Vegas PBS Jackpot!Charlie Rose The Ideas Exchange In Pursuit of Passion Moyers & Company Charlie Rose -- The Week
Vegas PBS VmeAlerta Cobra. No hay descanso para esto hombres que actúanen la carrera.
Estelares: Paquirri (Part 3) Red Band Society
Vegas PBS 10Wild Caribbean: Secret Shores. The shoreline of Central America. Antiques Roadshow: Detroit, MI. Drawing of Linus by Charles
Schulz.The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler. Hitler connects with theGerman people.
Vegas PBS RewindBilly the Kid: American Experience. Billy the Kid captures nation-al attention with violence.
Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid: American Experience FRONTLINE: Hunting the Nightmare Bacteria. Untreatable infec-tions in hospitals.
Vegas PBS WorldviewBiz Asia America Unni Lindell
Vegas PBS CreateJacques Pépin: More Fast FoodMy Way
America’s Test Kitchen FromCook’s Illustrated
Chef John Besh’s New Orleans A Chef’s Life. Pepsi-glazedpork belly with peanuts.
Woodwright’s Shop. Raised pan-els for doors.
Rick Steves’ Europe: Iran’sHistoric Capitals.
Vegas PBS Jackpot!Charlie Rose POV: American Promise. Son’s progress through private school.
Vegas PBS VmePatrulla en Altamar. Náutico de restauración. Estelares: Paquirri (Part 4) Grand Hotel
Vegas PBS 10Washington Week With GwenIfill
Charlie Rose -- The Week Great Performances: National Theatre: 50 Years on Stage. Royal National Theatre’s 50 years.
Vegas PBS RewindNature: The Animal House. The homelife of wildlife. NOVA: Great Cathedral Mystery. Experimental mini-Duomo. Super Skyscrapers: Building the Future. The Leadenhall Building
in London.Crime Stories
Vegas PBS WorldviewBiz Asia America The Spider
Vegas PBS CreateLidia’s Italy in America. Pasta efa*gioli.
Cook’s Country From America’sTest Kitchen
Cooking With Nick Stellino A Chef’s Life: Love Me SomeCandied Yams!
This Old House. Vertical beadedsiding; corbels.
Rick Steves’ Europe: Croatia:Adriatic Delights.
Vegas PBS Jackpot!Charlie Rose In the Americas With David
YetmanJourneys in Africa: Tarangire:Land of the Elephant.
Globe Trekker: Ice Trekking the Alps. Ski-touring the HauteRoute.
Vegas PBS VmeCuéntame Cómo Pasó Jorge Gestoso Investiga
Vegas PBS 10As Time Goes By. Pennysuspects husband’s fidelity.
Are You Being Served?: ByAppointment.
Doc Martin: Erotomania. Danny asks Louisa to move in withhim.
Scott & Bailey. Gill and Rachel investigate a murder.
Vegas PBS RewindNOVA: Great Cathedral Mystery. Experimental mini-Duomo. Antiques Roadshow: Detroit, MI. Drawing of Linus by Charles
Schulz.The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler. Hitler connects with theGerman people.
Vegas PBS Worldview
Vegas PBS CreateGrannies on Safari: Exotic --Zanzibar, Tanzania.
Art Wolfe’s Travels to the Edge Burt Wolf: What We Eat. Africanfoods.
Taste of Louisiana With ChefJohn Folse & Co.
Rudy Maxa’s World: SouthAfrica: Cape Town.
Rudy Maxa’s World
Vegas PBS Jackpot!Nature: The Animal House. The homelife of wildlife. All-Star Orchestra: Music’s Emotional Impact. Tchaikovsky’s
personal life.All-Star Orchestra: Mahler: Love, Sorrow and Transcendence.Mahler’s settings of poems by Rueckert.
Vegas PBS VmePiratas Red Band Society Alerta Cobra. No hay descanso para esto hombres que actúan
en la carrera.
Dance Academy Heroes Con Trayectorias
European Journal 2014 In the News Room Marie’s Mind for Murder
Euromaxx Highlights Bangladesh Today Crimes of Passion
The Making of a LadySunday, February 9 at 10 p.m.on Vegas PBS Channel 10Based on the novel by celebrated writerFrances Hodgson Burnett (The SecretGarden), this is the story of the educatedbut penniless Emily, played by LydiaWilson. During her duties as a lady’s com-panion for Lady Maria (Joanna Lumley),she meets her employer’s wealthy widowernephew, Lord James Walderhurst (LinusRoache). Accepting his practical if unro-mantic marriage proposal, Emily finds sol-ace in the company of Walderhurst’snephew Alec Osborn (James D’Arcy) andhis glamorous wife, Hester (HasinaHaque), after Lord James leaves to rejoinhis regiment. Emily, alone with theOsborns, increasingly comes under theircontrol. She begins to fear for her life.
F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 4 31
ThisWeek’s Picks
The Dark Charisma of Adolf HitlerThursdays, February 13-27 at 10 p.m. on Vegas PBS Channel 10
Adolf Hitler was arguably the most extraordinary leader who has ever lived, but he left
behind the greatest legacy of destruction in history. Yet there is a paradox at the heart of
the story of Hitler: given his violent and hate-filled character, why did millions support
him, ultimately to the destruction of their own country? This three-part series
examines Hitler’s relationship with the people he led during the World War II,
with the help of testimony from people who were there, com-
pelling archive film and dramatic reconstructions. This week’s
program looks at how Adolf Hitler
formed a connection with millions of
German people, generating a level of
charismatic attraction almost without
parallel. Dispelling the myth that Hitler
somehow hypnotized a nation, this first
episode looks at how his alleged
‘charisma’ played a key role in his
success as a leader.
POV: American PromiseThursday, February 13 at 9 p.m. on Vegas PBS Jackpot!This film is an intimate and provocative account, recorded over 12 years, of the experiencesof two middle-class African-American boys who entered a very prestigious – and historicallywhite – private school on Manhattan’s Upper East Side. The parents of one of the boys, Joe, aHarvard- and Stanford-trained psychiatrist, and Michèle, a Columbia Law School graduate andfilmmaker, decided to film the boys’ progress starting in 1999. They soon found themselvesstruggling not only with kids’ typical growing pains and the kinds of racial issues one mightexpect, but also with surprising class, gender and generational gaps. This special, whichtraces the boys’ journey from kindergarten through high school graduation, finds the greatestchallenge for the families – and perhaps the country – is to close the black male educationalachievement gap, which has been called “the civil rights crusade of the 21st century.” Winner,U.S. Documentary Special Jury Award, 2013 Sundance Film Festival.
Adolf Hitler
Hasina Haque and James D'Arcy
Joe Brewster and Michèle Stephenson
*Programs subject to change.
Primetime | February 16 — February 22 Please visit VegasPBS.org for complete program schedule8:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 10:30 p.m.
Vegas PBS 10Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey Season 4. Robert andThomas take a trip.
Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey Season 4. Robert andThomas return from America.
(10:15) Murder on the Home Front Patrick Kennedy. A patholo-gist uses new forensic techniques to nab a killer.
Vegas PBS RewindUNLV Connections
Vegas PBS Worldview
Vegas PBS CreateJacques Pépin: More Fast FoodMy Way
America’s Test Kitchen FromCook’s Illustrated
Chef John Besh’s New Orleans A Chef’s Life. Collard kraut; cab-bage collard.
Ask This Old House Rick Steves’ Europe. The open-air museum in Aarhus.
Vegas PBS Jackpot!Natural Heroes. California’sVentura River watershed.
Bluegrass Underground.Cajun/zydeco music.
The Reagan Presidency. Domestic issues. The Reagan Presidency. Reagan administration’s foreign policy.
Vegas PBS VmeCuéntame Cómo Pasó Great Performances Quiero Ser
Vegas PBS 10Antiques Roadshow: Baton Rouge, LA. Diamond andplatinum ring.
British Antiques Roadshow Priceless Antiques Roadshow Antiques Roadshow: Pittsburgh, PA. Correspondence by ColePorter.
Vegas PBS RewindWonders of the West: CentralNew Mexico.
Outdoor Nevada Rick Steves’ Europe: Rick Steves’ Andalucia: The Best ofSouthern Spain. Seville, Córdoba and Granada.
Doc Martin: Erotomania. Danny asks Louisa to move in withhim.
Vegas PBS WorldviewBiz Asia America In The Moonlight In The Moonlight
Vegas PBS CreateLidia’s Italy in America: ItalianStyle Steak.
Cook’s Country From America’sTest Kitchen
Cooking With Nick Stellino: It’sAll About Pasta!
A Chef’s Life. Maple View Dairy;buttermilk.
This Old House. Selective treepruning.
Rick Steves’ Europe
Vegas PBS Jackpot!Charlie Rose Moveable Feast With Fine
CookingNeven Maguire: Home Chef Sara’s Weeknight Meals Cook’s Country From America’s
Test Kitchen
Vegas PBS VmeÁfrica de mi Corazón. Los hechos que rodean la vida de unveterinario.
Estelares: El Pacto (Part 1) El Barco
Vegas PBS 10Grand Coulee Dam: American Experience The Rise and Fall of Penn Station: American Experience FRONTLINE: Generation Like. Teens and companies that target
Vegas PBS RewindMasterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey Season 4. Robert andThomas take a trip.
Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey Season 4. Robert and Thomas return from America. The Education of Harvey Gantt
Vegas PBS WorldviewBiz Asia America Donna Detective
Vegas PBS CreateJacques Pépin: More Fast FoodMy Way: Fast Proof.
America’s Test Kitchen FromCook’s Illustrated
Chef John Besh’s New Orleans A Chef’s Life. Incorporatingmoonshine into drinks.
Woodwright’s Shop: Carving theCamellia.
Rick Steves’ Europe. LittleSlovenia; Lake Bled.
Vegas PBS Jackpot!Charlie Rose Classic Gospel: Tent Revival -- Old rugged Cross. Gospel songs. Front and Center: Buddy Guy. Blues guitarist and singer
Buddy Guy.
Vegas PBS VmeComisario Rex Estelares: El Pacto (Part 2) Long Lasting Youth
Vegas PBS 10Nature: Honey Badgers: Masters of Mayhem. Honey badgers inSouth Africa.
NOVA: Mystery of Easter Island. Moai, giant statues on EasterIsland.
Super Skyscrapers: The Vertical City. Shanghai Tower.
Vegas PBS RewindAntiques Roadshow: Baton Rouge, LA. Diamond and platinumring.
British Antiques Roadshow Priceless Antiques Roadshow Antiques Roadshow: Pittsburgh, PA. Correspondence by ColePorter.
Vegas PBS WorldviewBiz Asia America Spiral Spiral
Vegas PBS CreateLidia’s Italy in America. Pastawith lentils; spaghetti.
Cook’s Country From America’sTest Kitchen
Cooking With Nick Stellino:Seafood Made Simple.
A Chef’s Life. Chef VivianHoward opens a restaurant.
Ask This Old House Rick Steves’ Europe
Vegas PBS Jackpot!Charlie Rose The Ideas Exchange: Dare
Jennings and Ajay Piramal.In Pursuit of Passion Moyers & Company Charlie Rose -- The Week
Vegas PBS VmeAlerta Cobra. No hay descanso para esto hombres que actúanen la carrera.
Estelares: El Pacto (Part 3) Punta Escarlata
Vegas PBS 10Life in the Undergrowth: Invasion of the Land. Millipedes, slugsand worms.
Antiques Roadshow: Baton Rouge, LA. Diamond and platinumring.
The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler. Hitler leads the German peo-ple to war.
Vegas PBS RewindGrand Coulee Dam: American Experience. Tension over technology and environmental impactsours the legacy of the Grand Coulee Dam.
The Rise and Fall of Penn Station: American Experience Frontline. Teens and companiesthat target them.
Vegas PBS WorldviewBiz Asia America Unni Lindell
Vegas PBS CreateJacques Pépin: More Fast FoodMy Way
America’s Test Kitchen FromCook’s Illustrated
Chef John Besh’s New Orleans A Chef’s Life. Strawberries;coconut shortcake.
Woodwright’s Shop. Essentialbench tool.
Rick Steves’ Europe
Vegas PBS Jackpot!Charlie Rose Slavery by Another Name. Labor practices and laws create a new form of slavery. The Lost Years of Zora Neale
Vegas PBS VmePatrulla en Altamar. Náutico de restauración. Estelares: El Pacto (Part 4) Grand Hotel
Vegas PBS 10Washington Week With GwenIfill
Charlie Rose -- The Week Great Performances: Sting: The Last Ship. Sting’s musical play. One Night in March
Vegas PBS RewindNature: Honey Badgers: Masters of Mayhem. Honey badgers inSouth Africa.
NOVA: Mystery of Easter Island. Moai, giant statues on EasterIsland.
Super Skyscrapers: The Vertical City. Shanghai Tower.
Crime StoriesVegas PBS Worldview
Biz Asia America The Spider
Vegas PBS CreateLidia’s Italy in America Cook’s Country From America’s
Test KitchenCooking With Nick Stellino:Luscious Soups.
A Chef’s Life. Practice service;grits.
This Old House. Selective treepruning.
Rick Steves’ Europe: Oslo.Viking ships; Opera House.
Vegas PBS Jackpot!Charlie Rose In the Americas With David
YetmanJourneys in Africa. Kilwa,Tanzania; big game fishing.
Globe Trekker: Globe Trekker Food Hour: Southern China.Exploring roots of Cantonese cuisine.
Vegas PBS VmeCuéntame Cómo Pasó Jorge Gestoso Investiga
Vegas PBS 10As Time Goes By: WelcomeNews.
Are You Being Served? Staffforms a social club.
Doc Martin: On the Edge. Martin is forced out of the picture. Scott & Bailey. A murderer befriends a victim’s family.
Vegas PBS RewindNOVA: Mystery of Easter Island. Moai, giant statues on EasterIsland.
Antiques Roadshow: Baton Rouge, LA. Diamond and platinumring.
The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler. Hitler leads the German peo-ple to war.
Vegas PBS Worldview
Vegas PBS CreateOpenRoad. Diving in Big Sur,Calif.
Family Travel With Colleen Kelly Moveable Feast With FineCooking
Joseph Rosendo’s Travelscope OpenRoad. Clear Lake, Calif.,and wine country.
Sara’s Weeknight Meals
Vegas PBS Jackpot!Nature: Honey Badgers: Masters of Mayhem. Honey badgers inSouth Africa.
Great Performances: National Theatre: 50 Years on Stage. Royal National Theatre’s 50 years.
Vegas PBS VmeFear of Loving Doctor’s Diary Alerta Cobra. No hay descanso para esto hombres que actúan
en la carrera.
Dance Academy Heroes Con Trayectorias
European Journal 2014 In the News Room Marie’s Mind for Murder
Euromaxx Highlights Bangladesh Today Crimes of Passion
F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 4 33
Life in the UndergrowthThursdays, February 20 and 27 at 8 p.m.on Vegas PBS Channel 10Invertebrates. For every one of us, there are 200 million of them. In this fascinatingseries, David Attenborough guides the viewer through a miniature universe teemingwith life, never normally seen, yet all around us. New technology reveals surreal vistasand their extraordinary inhabitants up close and personal. Though small, these crea-tures are as ferocious as any seen before. In this week's first episode, Invasion of theLand, Attenborough tells the story of the land-living invertebrates. He delves into theprivate life of Europe's dramatic leopard slug, a common garden resident with a trulybizarre end to its marathon mating ritual; watches the courtship ballet of tiny spring-tails on the underside of a leaf; and in the caves of Venezuela meets the giant bat-eat-ing centipede.
ThisWeek’s Picks
Family Travel withColleen KellyTuesdays and Thursdays at9:30 a.m. beginning February18 on Vegas PBS CreateThis brand new travel series breaks newground as the first ever television showdedicated to traveling with families of allages. Host and family travel guide ColleenKelly explores must-see locations andattractions throughout the U.S. andabroad, sharing expert travel tips andinsights to create easier family vacationsfilled with once-in-a-lifetime memories:Why just go to an aquarium when your fam-ily can actually get in the water with thewhales? How about getting the whole fam-ily in the chef's kitchen to make their ownpizzas? From big cities Chicago and LosAngeles, to American frontier classics SanAntonio and Cheyenne, to family-friendlyinternational destinations Ireland andMontreal, this fun program will show younew ways to enjoy a family vacation. Theprogram repeats the same day at 3:30 p.m.
Penn Station circa 1950s
Leopard Slug
Colleen Kelly and friends
The Rise and Fall of Penn Station: American ExperienceTuesday, February 18 at 9 p.m. on Vegas PBS Channel 10
ne of the greatest architectural and engineering achievements of its time, New
York’s Pennsylvania Station opened to the public in 1910. Designed by renowned
architect Charles McKim, the station was a massive civil engineering project, cov-
ering nearly eight acres and requiring the construction of 16 miles of underground
tunnels. Alexander Cassatt, president of the Pennsylvania Railroad, gambled millions of dollars to
link the nation’s biggest railroad to America’s greatest city, but died bringing the station to life. No
one could imagine that this architectural marvel built for the ages would be torn down a few
decades later to make way for Madison Square Garden. Yet its destruction galvanized New York to
form the Landmarks Preservation Commission, saving Grand Central Station and countless other
historic structures.
*Programs subject to change.
Primetime | February 23 — March 1 Please visit VegasPBS.org for complete program schedule8:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 10:30 p.m.
Vegas PBS 10(7:30) Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey Season 4. Robertand Thomas return from America.
Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey Season 4. Lady Rose meets the Prince of Wales.
Vegas PBS RewindUNLV Connections
Vegas PBS Worldview
Vegas PBS CreateJacques Pépin: More Fast FoodMy Way: Go Fish.
America’s Test Kitchen FromCook’s Illustrated
Chef John Besh’s New Orleans A Chef’s Life. Two pigs; sweetpotatoes.
Ask This Old House. Clawfoottub with shower.
Rick Steves’ Europe
Vegas PBS Jackpot!Natural Heroes: Brower YouthAwards 2010.
Bluegrass Underground. LeonRussell performs.
The Best of Soul Train Diana Ross: For One and for All. The singer performs in NewYork’s Central Park.
Vegas PBS VmeCuéntame Cómo Pasó Great Performance Quiero Ser
Vegas PBS 10Antiques Roadshow: Baton Rouge, LA. Louisiana political poster;paintings.
British Antiques Roadshow Priceless Antiques Roadshow.Piece of porcelain.
Antiques Roadshow: Pittsburgh, PA. Diamond ring; club andpipe.
Vegas PBS RewindWonders of the West: PonyExpress Territory.
Outdoor Nevada Rick Steves’ Europe: Croatia:Adriatic Delights.
Baking With Julia Doc Martin: On the Edge. Martin is forced out of the picture.
Vegas PBS WorldviewBiz Asia America In The Moonlight In The Moonlight
Vegas PBS CreateLidia’s Italy in America.Cauliflower soup; spaghetti.
Cook’s Country From America’sTest Kitchen
Cooking With Nick Stellino: TheUltimate Steak Dinner.
A Chef’s Life. Ultimate tomatosandwich.
This Old House. Exterior colorschemes.
Rick Steves’ Europe
Vegas PBS Jackpot!Charlie Rose Moveable Feast With Fine
CookingNeven Maguire: Home Chef Sara’s Weeknight Meals: Two for
One.Cook’s Country From America’sTest Kitchen
Vegas PBS VmeÁfrica de mi Corazón. Los hechos que rodean la vida de unveterinario.
Estelares: Alfonso, el Princpe Maldito (Part 1) El Barco
Vegas PBS 10American Experience: Triangle Fire. Fire at Triangle ShirtwaistFactory.
FRONTLINE: Secrets of the Vatican. Pope Benedict XVI steps down.
Vegas PBS RewindMasterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey Season 4. Robert and Thomas return from America. Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey Season 4. Lady Rose meets the Prince of Wales.
Vegas PBS WorldviewBiz Asia America Donna Detective
Vegas PBS CreateJacques Pépin: More Fast FoodMy Way
America’s Test Kitchen FromCook’s Illustrated
Chef John Besh’s New Orleans A Chef’s Life. Oyster farm; plansfor an oyster bar.
Woodwright’s Shop. Shakercabinet.
Rick Steves’ Europe. Culturalhighlights of Sweden.
Vegas PBS Jackpot!Charlie Rose Classic Gospel: Best of David Phelps. Tenor David Phelps. Front and Center: Jake Bugg. English singer-songwriter Jake
Vegas PBS VmeComisario Rex Estelares: Alfonso, el Princpe Maldito (Part 2) Long Lasting Youth
Vegas PBS 10Can Eating Insects Save the World? NOVA: Ground Zero Supertower. Completion of One World Trade
Center.Super Skyscrapers: The Billionaire Building. One57 in New York.
Vegas PBS RewindAntiques Roadshow: Baton Rouge, LA. Louisiana political poster;paintings.
British Antiques Roadshow Priceless Antiques Roadshow.Piece of porcelain.
Antiques Roadshow: Pittsburgh, PA. Diamond ring; club andpipe.
Vegas PBS WorldviewBiz Asia America Spiral Spiral
Vegas PBS CreateLidia’s Kitchen. Tomato andmint salad; filet.
Cook’s Country From America’sTest Kitchen
Cooking With Nick Stellino: AShrimp Feast.
A Chef’s Life: Muscadine Time. Ask This Old House. Clawfoottub with shower.
Rick Steves’ Europe
Vegas PBS Jackpot!Charlie Rose The Ideas Exchange In Pursuit of Passion Moyers & Company Charlie Rose -- The Week
Vegas PBS VmeAlerta Cobra. No hay descanso para esto hombres que actúanen la carrera.
Estelares: Alfonso, el Princpe Maldito (Part 3) Punta Escarlata
Vegas PBS 10Life in the Undergrowth: Taking To The Air. First animals ever totake to the air.
Antiques Roadshow: Baton Rouge, LA. Louisiana political poster;paintings.
The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler. Hitler tries to retain power.
Vegas PBS RewindAmerican Experience: Triangle Fire. Fire at Triangle ShirtwaistFactory.
Frontline: Secrets of the Vatican. Pope Benedict XVI steps down.
Vegas PBS WorldviewBiz Asia America Unni Lindell
Vegas PBS CreateJacques Pépin: More Fast FoodMy Way
America’s Test Kitchen FromCook’s Illustrated
Chef John Besh’s New Orleans A Chef’s Life. Heirloom rice;saving heirloom grains.
Woodwright’s Shop. Shakercraftsmen.
Rick Steves’ Europe
Vegas PBS Jackpot!Charlie Rose Stage Left: A Story of Theater in San Francisco. Directors, actors
and playwrights of San Francisco theater.Great Performances: National Theatre: 50 Years on Stage. RoyalNational Theatre’s 50 years.
Vegas PBS VmePatrulla en Altamar. Náutico de restauración. Estelares: Alfonso, el Princpe Maldito (Part 4) Grand Hotel
Vegas PBS 10Washington Week With GwenIfill
Charlie Rose -- The Week Jazz and the Philharmonic. Performances from award winning jazz and classical artists includingBobby McFerrin and Eric Owens.
Becoming an Artist
Vegas PBS RewindNature: Ireland’s Wild River. Ireland’s Shannon River. NOVA: Ground Zero Supertower. Completion of One World Trade
Center.Super Skyscrapers: The Billionaire Building. One57 in New York.
Crime StoriesVegas PBS Worldview
Biz Asia America The Spider
Vegas PBS CreateLidia’s Kitchen. Pasta and beansoup; spaghetti.
Cook’s Country From America’sTest Kitchen
Cooking With Nick Stellino A Chef’s Life. Pepsi-glazed porkbelly with peanuts.
This Old House. Exterior colorschemes.
Rick Steves’ Europe: BasqueCountry.
Vegas PBS Jackpot!Charlie Rose In the Americas With David
YetmanJourneys in Africa. Mane-lesslions of Tsavo, Kenya.
Globe Trekker: Globe Trekker Special: World War II in the Pacific.World War II locations in the Pacific.
Vegas PBS VmeCuéntame Cómo Pasó Jorge Gestoso Investiga
Vegas PBS 10As Time Goes By. Jean acceptsLionel’s proposal.
Are You Being Served?: Do YouTake This Man?
Doc Martin: On the Edge. Doc is taken hostage. Scott & Bailey. A racially-motivated murder.
Vegas PBS RewindAntiques Roadshow Antiques Roadshow: Baton Rouge, LA. Louisiana political poster;
paintings.The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler. Hitler tries to retain power.
Vegas PBS Worldview
Vegas PBS CreateTo Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced
Vegas PBS Jackpot!Nature: Ireland’s Wild River. Ireland’s Shannon River. All-Star Orchestra: Relationships in Music. Brahms’ “Academic
Festival Overture.”All-Star Orchestra: The Living Art Form. “A Hero’s Journey.”
Vegas PBS VmePiratas Red Band Society Alerta Cobra. No hay descanso para esto hombres que actúan
en la carrera.
Dance Academy Heroes Con Trayectorias
European Journal 2014 In the News Room Marie’s Mind for Murder
Euromaxx Highlights Bangladesh Today Crimes of Passion
F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 4 35
ThisWeek’s Picks
Crime Stories: GreenFriday, February 28 at 7 p.m. on Vegas PBS WorldviewBased on the bestselling book by Ferdinand von Schirach, this innovative miniseries consistsof unusual cases inspired by actual crimes. The program portrays the crime from the viewpointof perpetrator, victims and witnesses, and are linked by defense attorney Leonhardt (JosefBierbichler), who seeks to obtain the most lenient sentence for his client. From numerologyto ancient Japanese traditions and a husband terrorized by his wife, the cases take the view-er down untrodden paths. In this week’s episode, the son of an important Brandenburg farmerdabbles with numerological rituals and kills the farmer's sheep in the night. When the youngvillage beauty disappears, he is an immediate suspect. The attorney also tried to find out whythe sheep were killed. In German with English subtitles.
The Vatican
Valley and Silverado high schools compete
Varsity QuizMondays at 7:30 p.m. onVegas PBS Channel 10Presented over eight weeks, this fast-paced series is an academic quiz show forlocal high schools featuring the best andbrightest students from across the city.The competing high school teams fieldquestions based on their knowledge ofsubjects such as history, literature, mathand science. A partnership between ClarkCounty School District, Vegas PBS and theKiwanis Club of Las Vegas, the programcompleted its 44th season in 2013 withapproximately 40 high schools participat-ing. Scholarship awards are made to thetop four teams and the Harvey N. DonderoAll Star Player. This award, which isnamed after a distinguished CCSD admin-istrator, was instituted 25 years ago to rec-ognize the student who best exemplifiesacademic achievement, leadership andsportsmanship. Support our young schol-ars in their pursuit of excellence!
FRONTLINE: Secrets of the VaticanTuesday, February 25 at 9 p.m. on Vegas PBS Channel 10
ope Benedict made history when he announced his resignation, becoming the first
pope to step down voluntarily in 600 years. In his wake, he left a bitterly divided
Vatican mired in scandals. Is Benedict’s successor, Pope Francis, taming the forces
that helped destroy Benedict’s papacy? Is he succeeding in lifting the church out
of crisis? Nearly a year in the making, this special two-hour program goes inside the Vatican to
unravel the remarkable series of events that led to the resignation that shook the world. Through
interviews with those at the very heart of what happened — cardinals, priests, convicted criminals,
police, prosecutors and whistle-blowers — the film gives a first-hand account of the final days of
Benedict’s papacy and the current battle to set the church on a new path under Francis.
Josef Bierbichler
Daytime on Vegas PBS Create | February
Weekend Daytime on Vegas PBS Channel 10 | February
6:00 a.m. 6:30 a.m. 7:00 a.m. 7:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m.
Knit andCrochet Now!
The Best ofthe Joy ofPainting
Taste This! Mexico: OnePlate at aTime WithRick Bayless
Chefs A’Field:CulinaryAdventures
Christina Smart Travels:Europe WithRudy Maxa
Equitrekking Woodwright’sShop
Lap QuiltingWith GeorgiaBonesteel
Paint This WithJerry Yarnell
Joanne Weir’sCookingConfidence
*Saturday Marathons air from 6 a.m. to Noon and from 6 p.m. to Midnight.
KimchiChronicles:The JejuChronicles.
Ciao Italia Sara’sWeeknightMeals
Globe Trekker This Old House
Rough Cut --WoodworkingWith TommyMac
P. Allen Smith’sGarden Home
Around theHouse WithMatt andShari
Knit andCrochet Now!
The Best ofthe Joy ofPainting
Taste This! Mexico: OnePlate at aTime WithRick Bayless
Chefs A’Field:CulinaryAdventures
Christina Smart Travels:Europe WithRudy Maxa
Equitrekking Woodrighjt’sShop
It Sew Easy LandscapesThrough TimeWith DavidDunlop
Clodagh’s IrishFood Trails
Rachel’sFavorite Foodfor Living
Nick StellinoCooking WithFriends
Journeys inAfrica
Ask This OldHouse
Garden Smart Katie BrownWorkshop
Sewing WithNancy
LandscapesThrough TimeWith DavidDunlop
Clodagh’s IrishFood Trails
Rachel’sFavorite Foodfor Living
Cooking WithJulie Taboulie
Journeys inAfrica
Ask This OldHouse
Lap QuiltingWith GeorgiaBonesteel
Paint This WithJerry Yarnell
Joanne Weir’sCookingConfidence
Ciao Italia Sara’sWeeknightMeals
Globe Trekker This Old House
Rough Cut --WoodworkingWith TommyMac
P. Allen Smith’sGarden Home
Around theHouse WithMatt andShari
Growing aGreener World
Katie BrownWorkshop
The VictoryGarden
For YourHome
The VictoryGarden
For YourHome
February 1 Big Game Snack Attack: With Superbowl Sunday coming up, Create chefs plan a giant “snack attack” with pizza, burgers, chicken and wings.February 8 So In Love: Lifestyle experts Katie Brown, Martha Stewart, Julia Child and Christine Pirello will show you how to take your romance to the next level!February 15 African Roots: Welcome to the vast continent of Africa. From the northern countries to the most southern tip, and everything in between, you’ll be on a fantastic voyage!February 22 California Dreamin’: Bike through Napa’s wine country, visit Los Angeles off the beaten track and venture to the beautiful island of Catalina.
6:00 a.m. 6:30 a.m. 7:00 a.m. 7:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m.
Sun 2/23
Nevada Weekin Review
Wishbone:Bark to theFuture.
WordGirl Wild Kratts:Journey to theSubniveanZone.
Arthur:Unfinished;D.W., BossyBoots.
Nature: Honey Badgers:Masters of Mayhem.
NOVA: Mystery of Easter Island.Long ago, islanders created900 moai on Easter Island.
The African Americans: ManyRivers to Cross: The BlackAtlantic (1500-1800).
Sat 3/1
P. Allen Smith’sGarden toTable
The VictoryGarden:Trends.
Sew It All:Chic Shawl,Carol Ingram.
Rick Steves’Europe
Rough Cut --WoodworkingWith Tommy
WoodsmithShop: 3-in-1Drill PressUpgrade.
The AmericanWoodshop
Hometime:Energy SmartSunroom.
This OldHouse
Ask This OldHouse
America’s TestKitchen FromCook
Sun 2/16
Nevada Weekin Review
Wishbone:The PawloinedPaper.
WordGirl: TheBirthday Girl;Granny-Sitter.
Wild Kratts:Desert Elves.
Arthur Nature: The Animal House.The homelife of wildlife.
NOVA: Great CathedralMystery. Bricklayers build anexperimental mini-Duomousing period tools andtechniques.
Wild Caribbean: Secret Shores.The wild shore of CentralAmerica is the Caribbean’smore mysterious side.
Sat 2/22
P. Allen Smith’sGarden toTable
The VictoryGarden:Hybrid 2.
Sew It All.Stitchingup pants.
Rick Steves’Europe:Istanbul.
Rough Cut --WoodworkingWith Tommy
WoodsmithShop: RusticStep-BackCupboard.
The AmericanWoodshop:Veneer Inlays.
Hometime:CreeksideHome Light &Glass.
This Old House Ask This OldHouse
America’s TestKitchen FromCook
Sun 2/9
Nevada Weekin Review
Wishbone: ATale of TwoSitters.
WordGirl Wild Kratts:GroundhogWake Up Call.
Arthur Nature. A male and femalewood duck bond, migratetogether and take care of abrood of ducklings.
NOVA: Roman CatacombMystery.
Wild Caribbean: HurricaneHell.
Sat 2/15
P. Allen Smith’sGarden toTable
The VictoryGarden: Soft.
Sew It All.Sewing silk;table runner.
Rick Steves’Europe
Rough Cut --WoodworkingWith Tommy
WoodsmithShop: HallStorage Bench.
The AmericanWoodshop
Hometime:CreeksideHome GarageDoors.
This OldHouse
Ask This OldHouse
America’s TestKitchen FromCook
Sun 2/2
Nevada Weekin Review
WordGirl Wild Kratts:Tortuga TuneUp.
Arthur Nature. The plight of crestedblack macaques, monkeysfound only on Sulawesi inIndonesia.
NOVA: Ghost’s of Murder Kings.Scientists investigate theviolent deaths of victimsunearthed in Ireland’s bogs.
Wild Caribbean: Reefs &Wrecks. The underwatertreasures that surround theCaribbean islands.
Sat 2/8
P. Allen Smith’sGarden toTable
The VictoryGarden: Dark.
Sew It All.Couturehandbag.
Rick Steves’Europe:Copenhagen.
Rough Cut --WoodworkingWith Tommy
WoodsmithShop. Theversatility ofthe router.
The AmericanWoodshop
Hometime:CreeksideHome Heat.
This Old House Ask This OldHouse
America’s TestKitchen FromCook
Sun 1/26
Nevada Weekin Review
WordGirl Wild Kratts:Creature PowerChallenge.
Arthur Nature: Meet the Coywolf. NOVA: Killer Typhoon. TyphoonHaiyan stirs up 200-mphwinds and a two-story-highstorm surge.
Use Your Brain to Change Your Age
Sat 2/1
P. Allen Smith’sGarden toTable
The VictoryGarden: Light.
Sew It All.Turning anovel intoa purse.
Rick Steves’Europe
Rough Cut --WoodworkingWith Tommy
The AmericanWoodshop:Scroll SawInlays.
This OldHouse
Ask This OldHouse
America’s TestKitchen FromCook
Please visit VegasPBS.org for complete program schedule
Please visit VegasPBS.org for complete program schedule
*Saturday Marathons repeat the following Sundays from Noon to 6 p.m.
*Programs subject to change.
Knit andCrochet Now
The Best ofthe Joy ofPainting
Taste This! Mexico: OnePlate at a Time
Chefs A’Field ChristinaCooks
Smart Travels:Europe WithRudy Maxa
Equitrekking Rick Steves’Europe
Lap QuiltingWith Georgia
Paint This WithJerry Yarnell
Joanne Weir’sCookingConfidence
KimchiChronicles: TheJejuChronicles.
Ciao Italia Sara’sWeeknightMeals
Globe Trekker Rick Steves’Europe
Rough Cut --WoodworkingWith TommyMac
P. Allen Smith’sGarden Home
Around theHouse WithMatt and Shari
Chef’s Life Simply Ming Julia andJacquesCooking atHome
Lidia’s Italy inAmerica
Cook’s Countryfrom America
Cooking withNick Stellino
Chef’s Life This OldHouse
Rick Steves’Europe
Lidia’s Italy inAmerica.
Cook’s Countryfrom America
Knit andCrochet Now!
The Best of theJoy of Painting
Taste This! Mexico: OnePlate at a TimeWith RickBayless
Chefs A’Field ChristinaCooks
Smart Travels:Europe WithRudy Maxa
Equitrekking Rick Steves’Europe
It Sew Easy LandscapesThrough TimeWith DavidDunlop
Clodagh’s IrishFood Trails
Rachel’sFavorite Foodfor Living
Nick StellinoCooking WithFriends
Journeys inAfrica
Rick Steves’Europe
Garden Smart Katie BrownWorkshop
Repeat of Saturday Marathon
Lap QuiltingWith Georgia
Paint This WithJerry Yarnell
Joanne Weir’sCookingConfidence
Ciao Italia Sara’sWeeknightMeals
Globe Trekker Rick Steves’Europe
Rough Cut --WoodworkingWith TommyMac
P. Allen Smith’sGarden Home
Around theHouse WithMatt andShari
The VictoryGarden
For Your Home
The VictoryGarden
For YourHome
Noon 12:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m.
Noon 12:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m.
The African Americans: ManyRivers to Cross: The Age ofSlavery (1800-1860).
The African Americans: ManyRivers to Cross: Into the Fire(1861-1896).
The African Americans: ManyRivers to Cross: Making a WayOut of No Way (1897-1940).
The African Americans: ManyRivers to Cross: The Rise!(1940-1968).
The African Americans: ManyRivers to Cross: A More PerfectUnion (1968-2013).
GreatRomances:QueenElizabeth andPrince Philip
House of Cards. Urquhartfinalizes plans againstCollingridge; Mattie continuesher investigation.
House of Cards
Jacques Pépin:More FastFood My Way
Julia andJacquesCooking atHome
Mexico: OnePlate at a Timew/Bayless
Simply Ming Martha Bakes:Pate Brisee.
Hubert Keller:Secrets of aChef
Baking WithJulia
Lidia’s Kitchen:SeafoodSurprises.
artScene Nevada Weekin Review
Sahara With Michael Palin:Dire Straits.
The Lawrence Welk Show:Mardi Gras.
Slavery by Another Name. Labor practices andlaws create a new form of slavery.
Jesse James: AmericanExperience. Expelling mythsabout an infamous outlaw ofthe Old West.
Billy the Kid: AmericanExperience. Billy the Kidcaptures national attentionwith violence.
Butch Cassidy & The SundanceKid: American Experience
Born to Royalty Prince William and KateMiddleton welcome a baby boy.
House of Cards
Jacques Pépin:More FastFood My Way
Julia andJacquesCooking atHome: Pork.
Mexico: OnePlate at aTimew/Bayless
Simply Ming Martha Bakes:Yellow Cake.
Hubert Keller:Secrets of aChef
Baking WithJulia
Lidia’s Kitchen:Potato Pizza.
artScene Nevada Weekin Review
Sahara With Michael Palin:Absolute Desert. Michael Palinlearns how the nomadictraders mine salt.
The Lawrence Welk Show:Salute to Sinatra.
Krakatoa. The May 20, 1883 eruption of thevolcano Krakatau reduces the island to athird of its former size.
The Amish Shunned: American Experience. Seven former mem-bers of the Amish community discuss their struggles in modernAmerica.
American Masters: Carol Burnett: A Woman ofCharacter.. Carol Burnett becomes the star of asuccessful variety show.
Masterpiece Mystery!: Sherlock, Series III: His Last Vow. WhySherlock Holmes hates Charles Augustus Magnussen.
Jacques Pépin:More FastFood My Way
Julia andJacquesCooking atHome: Eggs.
Mexico: OnePlate at aTimew/Bayless
Simply Ming Martha Bakes:Souffles.
Hubert Keller:Secrets of aChef
Baking WithJulia
Lidia’s Kitchen artScene Nevada Weekin Review
Sahara With Michael Palin.Palin crosses into Senegal;Tabaski Festival in Djenne.
The Lawrence Welk Show.“Bambalino,” “Singin’ in theRain,” “Melodie d’Amour,” “DillPickles.”
Carol Burnett: The Mark Twain Prize. Comedic actress CarolBurnett receives the Mark Twain Prize.
Great Performances: Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Oklahoma! Hugh Jackman stars in NationalTheatre’s “Oklahoma!”
Masterpiece Mystery!: Sherlock, Series III: The Sign of Three.Sherlock faces his biggest challenge -- a Best Man’s speech.
Jacques Pépin:More FastFood My Way
Julia andJacquesCooking atHome
Mexico: OnePlate at aTimew/Bayless
Simply Ming Martha Bakes:Tarts andTartlets.
Hubert Keller:Secrets of aChef
Baking WithJulia
Lidia’s Kitchen artScene Nevada Weekin Review
Sahara With Michael Palin:A Line in the Sand.
The Lawrence Welk Show: 200Years of American Music,Part 2.
Brainchange with David Perlmutter, MD Masterpiece Mystery!: Sherlock, Series III: The Empty Hearse.Sherlock returns...but what does that mean for John Watson?
Jacques Pépin:More FastFood My Way
Julia andJacquesCooking atHome
Mexico: OnePlate at aTimew/Bayless
Simply Ming Martha Bakes:Cakes.
Hubert Keller:Secrets of aChef
Baking WithJulia
Lidia’s Kitchen:Crostini toParmigiana.
artScene Nevada Weekin Review
Victor Borge:Comedy inMusic
Conquistadors. Cabeza de Vacaexplores lands that are nowpart of the southern UnitedStates.
The Lawrence Welk Show:Season Premiere, 1976.
3 Steps to Incredible Health!Use Your Brain to Change Your Age (cont.)
38 V E G A S P B S S O U R C E
Black History Month
Charlie Rose
Children’s Programming
Cook’s Country From America’s Test Kitchen
Doc Martin
Homework Hotline
Lidia’s Italy
Masterpiece Classic: Downton Abbey
Nevada Week in Review
Nightly Business Report
PBS NewsHour
The Programs You Enjoy on Vegas PBS
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S p e c i a l O f f e r s
Lady Diana Exhibitionon the QUEEN MARY
Saturday, March 22 to Sunday, March 23 Overnight trip to Long Beach from Vegas PBS
Travel via deluxe coach to explore the legendary QueenMary with an overnight stay on board. Trip includestickets to the “Diana: Legacy of a Princess Showcase”exhibition and dinner on the Promenade Deck. Donate$279 per person, based on double occupancy. Call702.737.7500 or visit VegasPBS.org/specials.
THE TEMPESTSaturday, April 5 at 8 p.m. Symphony Parkat The Smith Center for the Performing Arts
Attend the opening night performance and experience thewizadry of magic created by Teller (of Penn & Teller). Limitedseats are available for this invitation only event with an$85 donation per person.Call 702.737.7500 or visitVegasPBS.org/specials.
Show withMeet &Greet
Join Vegas PBS for PreferredSeating at the matinee perform-ance of world-famous illusionist,David Copperfield, followed by aMeet and Greet with photo.Donate $200 for two tickets tothis exclusive special event bycalling 702.737.7500 or visitingVegasPBS.org/specials.
Inspired by “The World of Downton Abbey.” There arestill a limited number of seats available for this specialtour to visit Highclere Castle and Brampton Village, meetauthor Jessica Fellowes, and enjoy butler school, high teaand more during your six night stay at NH Harrington HallHotel. Donate a $500 deposit to secure your place on thetour. Total donation required by June 1 is $2900 per per-son, based on double occupancy. Call 702.737.7500 orvisit VegasPBS.org/specialsfor complete itinerary and trip video. Air fare is not included.
Highclere CastleTRIP TO LONDON!
Sunday, July 20 to Saturday, July 26, 2014
Saturday, February 224 p.m. Show
MGM Hollywood Theater
Spe c i a lPremi e re
Even t