Ruby Gem Guide and Properties Chart (2024)

Ruby is the red variety of corundum. It is one of the most highly prized gemstones and the finest stones command the highest prices per carat at auction. The name is derived from the Latin word ruber (red). It was called ratnaraj, meaning the "King of Gems" by ancient Hindus. The line between ruby and pink sapphire is not clearly defined and can be quite subjective. It is the birthstone for July. Around 1910 the first synthetic ruby was available in the marketplace. Flame-fusion lab created ruby may be cut from boules weighing in excess of 400 carats.

General Information

  • Classification
  • Optical Properties
  • Characteristic Physical Properties
  • Chemistry & Crystallography

Common Name





Transparent - Opaque


Strength: Moderate Fire Value: 0.018

Refractive Index




Optic Character


Optic Sign


Polariscope Reaction

Doubly Refractive (DR)


SWUV: Weak to strong red
LWUV: Weak to moderate red

CCF Reaction

Red glow


Dichroic, moderate to strong orangy red and purplish red





Specific Gravity

3.950-4.100 Typical:4.000




This stone has type II clarity. Sometimes rubies have silk, rutile, boehmite, apatite, calcite or zircon crystals, fingerprint and negative crystal inclusions. Some stones show hexagonal growth and color zoning. Untreated stones will usually have inclusions intact. Heat treated stones will have fracture halos, discoid fractures or snowballs around crystal inclusions (untreated stones from magmatic areas might also show these characteristics). Silk will be broken and might show sintered areas especially around the girdle.


Bright Vitreous




Conchoidal, Uneven



Chemical Name

aluminum oxide

Chemical Formula


Crystal System


Chemistry Classification


Ruby Colors

  • Ruby Gem Guide and Properties Chart (1)


  • Ruby Gem Guide and Properties Chart (2)


  • Ruby Gem Guide and Properties Chart (3)


Ruby Spectra

Ruby Gem Guide and Properties Chart (4)


Broad central absorption has narrowed. The two lines at 668nm. and 659nm. are seen as fluorescent lines. Fluorescence in fine specimens can be as strong as that seen in lab created rubies.

Ruby Gem Guide and Properties Chart (5)

RUBY - VERNEUIL lab created. (Unpolarized

Color due to chromium. Controlled supply of chromium oxide in the production of modern lab created ruby can result in a more intense, slightly purplish red stone. The resulting spectrum shows an intense dark absorption band centered at 550nm. together with the usual features of the lines in the blue and the fluorescing doublet in the deep red. The violet is totally absorbed

Ruby Gem Guide and Properties Chart (6)

RUBY - VERNEUIL Lab Created (Unpolarized

Color due to chromium. The absorption spectra is essentially the same for that of natural ruby. Fine lines in blue plus lines in the red. Near the left side of the red, the thick line may appear as double. The line may even glow as an emission line, particularly if the stone is being viewed in reflected light

Ruby Gem Guide and Properties Chart (7)

RUBY - VERNEUIL lab created. (Fluorescence spectrum

An intense light source placed close to the stone and scattered from within it, can enter the spectroscope slit indirectly. In this way a subdued spectrum is seen in which any fluorescence lines stand out against a dark background. In the modern chromium rich, iron free, lab created ruby a spectacular group of fluorescing lines may be seen, dominated by the intense doublet at 693/693nm

Ruby Gem Guide and Properties Chart (8)

RUBY - VERNEUIL Lab created (Fluorescence spectrum

When the lighting is suitably adjusted the doublet at 693/694nm. can be seen as a dark absorption line. If only the o-ray ray is observed this doublet will be seen at its strongest together with finer lines at 668nm. and 659nm. The Broad absorption now extends from 610nm. to 495nm. leaving a narrower window in which the absorption lines at 468nm. and 475/476nm. appear more intense, after which total absorption follows

Ruby Gem Guide and Properties Chart (9)

RUBY - VERNEUIL lab created. (ω ray)

This gem usually shows an intense dark absorption band centered at 550nm. together with the usual features of the lines in the blue and the fluorescing doublet in the deep red. The violet is totally absorbed.

Ruby Gem Guide and Properties Chart (10)

RUBY - VERNEUIL Lab Created (ω ray)

Color due to chromium. The absorption spectra is essentially the same for that of natural ruby. Fine lines in blue plus lines in the red. Near the left side of the red, the thick line may appear as double. The line may even glow as an emission line, particularly if the stone is being viewed in reflected light. The stronger and more purplish pink color of the o-ray causes the central absorption band to broaden. The doublet in the red is seen to be fluorescing fairly strongly which is characteristic of the o-ray. The lines in the blue are prominent and the violet totally absorbed

Ruby Gem Guide and Properties Chart (11)

RUBY - VERNEUIL lab created. (ε ray)

This gem usually shows an intense dark absorption band centered at 550nm. together with the usual features of the lines in the blue and the fluorescing doublet in the deep red. The violet is totally absorbed. As we rotate the polarizing filter and isolate the e-ray variations occur in the spectrum. The doublet in the red is less intense and the fine line in the red at 595nm. is present but the one at 668nm. seen in the o-ray is now absent. The main absorption band has become narrower and the blue area has widened considerably to show the lines clearly before total absorption takes over

Ruby Gem Guide and Properties Chart (12)

RUBY - VERNEUIL Lab Created (ε ray)

The absorption spectra is essentially the same for that of natural ruby. Fine lines in blue plus lines in the red. Near the left side of the red, the thick line may appear as double. The line may even glow as an emission line, particularly if the stone is being viewed in reflected light. In this instance the color produced by the e-ray is more of an orange pink, as a result of which the intensity and width of the central absorption band is considerably diminished. This allows more transmission of orange and green light in this direction. The fluorescence of the doublet in the red is weaker but the lines in the blue are still prominent before total absorption takes over in the violet.

Ruby Gem Guide and Properties Chart (13)


Color due to chromium. The spectrum of this rather dark purplish red ruby shows the typical broad absorption band in the green area and the fluorescing doublet at 694/693nm. in the red associated with chromium. However, due to the high iron content the fluorescing doublet is weak and the lines in the blue rather vague

Ruby Gem Guide and Properties Chart (14)

RUBY - THAI UNTREATED (Fluorescence spectrum)

The iron content has weakened the fluorescence considerably and any attempt to capture this in scattered light is poor

Ruby Gem Guide and Properties Chart (15)


The spectrum typically shows a broad absorption band in the green area and the fluorescing doublet at 694/693nm. in the red associated with chromium. When the o-ray is polarized via the pavilion facets the central absorption band broadens and the doublet in the red fluoresces more strongly. However, absorption in the deep blue-violet area increases, making it more difficult to resolve the lines in the narrow blue window. This could be because of further absorption in this area due to the iron content.

Ruby Gem Guide and Properties Chart (16)


The spectrum typical shows a broad absorption band in the green area and the fluorescing doublet at 694/693nm. in the red associated with chromium. However, due to the high iron content the fluorescing doublet is weak and the lines in the blue rather vague. The most noticeable difference in the e-ray is the considerably narrower center absorption band. The fluorescing doublet is again much weaker and although transmission in the green-blue area has increased, the narrow lines are still difficult to see due to the greater absorption in the deep blue.

Ruby Gem Guide and Properties Chart (17)

RUBY - KASHAN Lab Created (Unpolarized)

The typical chromium spectrum of a broad band centered at the green and the lines in the blue at 476/475nm and 468nm. are present. However, the doublet in the red at 694/693nm. is constantly seen as an emission line, rather than appearing as dark absorption lines

Ruby Gem Guide and Properties Chart (18)

RUBY - KASHAN Lab Created (Fluorescence spectrum)

In scattered lighting conditions the doublet in the deep red is seen as a strongly fluorescing emission line, and occasionally the two lines at 668nm. And 659nm. may also be seen to fluoresce, even if they are not easily detected as absorption lines in transmitted light

Ruby Gem Guide and Properties Chart (19)

RUBY - KASHAN Lab Created (ω ray)

The typical chromium spectrum of a broad band centered at the green and the lines in the blue at 476/475nm and 468nm. are present. However, the doublet in the red at 694/693nm. is constantly seen as an emission line, rather than appearing as dark absorption lines. A slight increase in the width of the central absorption band. The doublet in the red continues to fluoresce and the lines in the blue are still present.

Ruby Gem Guide and Properties Chart (20)

RUBY - KASHAN Lab Created (ε ray)

The typical chromium spectrum of a broad band centered at the green and the lines in the blue at 476/475nm and 468nm. are present. However, the doublet in the red at 694/693nm. is constantly seen as an emission line, rather than appearing as dark absorption lines. Rotating the polarizing filter 90 degrees produces a narrower and less intense absorption in the green area which allows more transmission of orange light. The other lines are also weaker.

Ruby Gem Guide and Properties Chart (21)


Color due to Chromium Fluorescence of the strong doublet at 694/693nm. A broad absorption band centered at 550nm. Violet is absorbed and lines are seen in the remaining blue window at 476/475nm. and 468nm. Other fine lines normally seen in the red have been masked by the intense transmission in this area.

Ruby Gem Guide and Properties Chart (22)

RUBY - BURMA UNTREATED (Fluorescence spectrum)

Light scattering can be induced by manipulation of the light source to an extent that mainly the red area of the spectrum is transmitted. As a result, any fluorescence is intensified and becomes more visible. In this way the two lines at 668nm. and 659nm. are seen as fluorescent lines, together with the intense doublet at 694/693nm.

Ruby Gem Guide and Properties Chart (23)


Color due to chromium. Strong fluorescence of the strong doublet at 694/693nm. A slightly broader absorption band centered at 550nm. Violet is absorbed and lines are seen in the remaining blue window at 476/475nm. and 468nm. Other fine lines normally seen in the red have been masked by the intense transmission in this area.

We acknowledge the significant scientific contributions of John S Harris, FGA to the study of gemstone spectra and with deep appreciation to him, acknowledges the use of his images and related notes about gemstones and their spectra in the educational materials on this website.

Alternate Names

Mahaleo Ruby

Countries of Origin

Tanzania, United Republic Of; Myanmar; Afghanistan; Russian Federation; Viet Nam; Czechia; Guinea; United States of America; Madagascar; Thailand; Sweden; Mozambique; Pakistan; Morocco; Unknown; China; Brazil; Nigeria; Argentina; Sri Lanka; Zambia; Kenya; Switzerland; India; Norway; Namibia; South Africa; Ethiopia; Greenland; Tajikistan; Indonesia


Rubies. We desire them. Their rich reds are powerful, seductive, and inflaming. Ruby has been a treasure for centuries - the ancient Hindus named it the King of Gems. In fact, the Sanskrit word for ruby is ratnaraj, which means, "the King of Gems." Ruby is considered the gemstone of passion and of lovers; it's the quintessential symbol for red. Fine rubies are among the most costly and valuable gems of the corundum family, which includes sapphires in all colors (except red). Ruby is a 9 on the scale of hardness, so it's a fabulous choice for a wear-every-day, signature gemstone. It's red color works with white, rose, or yellow metals, which means you have plenty of options in jewelry. July babies, this is your birthstone. But move over - there are plenty of us who wear rubies for the sheer beauty of them!


Untreated and heated rubies just need normal care. Avoid recutting or chipping coated or surface diffused stones. Avoid common household chemicals, steam cleaners, ultrasonic cleaners and a jeweler’s torch with lead glass filled, dyed or oiled/resin filled stones.

More About Ruby

Rubies rank among the four gemstones once called precious: diamond, emerald, ruby and sapphire. Their red color has put them in the forefront of folklore for centuries. The early Burmese thought ruby would impart invulnerability to the wearer, which made it a must in battle. In the middle ages, it was believed that ruby had an inner fire that could not be extinguished. And in the 16th century it was written that ruby had magical powers and could, "preserve health, remove evil thoughts, reconcile disputes and control amorous desires"... among other things. Choose your ruby, get it home, wear it and enjoy it. You'll see why we at JTV® revere it.

Creation Method

Lab Created Czochralski

Synthetic ruby can be created in many ways, one of which is called the Czochralski method. During this process, the various elements that make up ruby are melted in a platinum crucible. A small gem crystal (called a seed) attached to a rod is then dipped into the melt and slowly pulled away as the crystal grows around the seed. For this reason, the Czochralski method is also known as crystal pulling. Synthetic gems have the same chemical, optical, and physical properties of their natural counterparts, but are a more cost-effective alternative to a natural gem.

Ruby Gem Guide and Properties Chart (24)

Lab Created Czochralski Ruby

  • Classification
  • Optical Properties
  • Characteristic Physical properties

Common Name

Lab Created Czochralski

CCF Reaction


Specific Gravity





Stones are almost always inclusion free. If internal characteristics are present they are gas bubbles, curved striae that is hard to see and smoke-like swirling veil-like inclusions.



Lab Created Hydrothermal

Hydrothermally grown synthetic rubies crystallize slowly out of a solution (a mix of water and dissolved elements) that has been exposed to heat and pressure similar to the conditions on Earth under which the natural gem mineral grows. Synthetic gems have the same chemical, optical, and physical properties of their natural counterparts, but are a more cost-effective alternative to a natural gem.

Ruby Gem Guide and Properties Chart (25)

Lab Created Hydrothermal Ruby

  • Classification
  • Optical Properties
  • Characteristic Physical properties

Common Name

Lab Created Hydrothermal

CCF Reaction


Specific Gravity





Look for chevron, wavy, zig-zag or mosaic growth patterns in hydrothermal synthetic ruby because stones might show growth zoning similar to natural ruby. Fingerprint like inclusions with 2-phase and 3-phase inclusions can be seen in stones. Sometimes flake like copper inclusions are visible in reflected light.



Lab Created Flux

One method of creating synthetic ruby is called flux growth. During the flux growth process, flux, a substance that reduces the melting point of surrounding material, is combined, in a metal-lined crucible, with the elements that make up a specific gem mineral. The crucible is heated until its contents are liquid and then it is allowed to cool very slowly. As cooling continues, the gem mineral crystallizes from the solution. Flux grown synthetic gems can take up to a year to grow to a facetable size, but the exceptional clarity of these gems is well worth the wait! Synthetic gems have the same chemical, optical, and physical properties of their natural counterparts, but are a more cost-effective alternative to a natural gem.

Ruby Gem Guide and Properties Chart (26)

Lab Created Flux Ruby

  • Classification
  • Optical Properties
  • Characteristic Physical properties

Common Name

Lab Created Flux

CCF Reaction


Specific Gravity





Platinum platelets from the crucible that appear metallic in reflected light but appear dark when stone is lit from behind. Flux is often white, brownish, yellow or orange but can be colorless. Flux inclusions can appear like natural fingerprint inclusions, wispy veils, comet tails, coarse globules of flux that can have a myriad of appearances from drippy, tubular or rod like or icicle looking, to clouds and minute particles, Stone might display angular growth zoning similar to natural.


Very Good

Lab Created Flame Fusion

The flame fusion process for creating gems, also called the Verneuil process, is the most affordable and common synthesis method for producing corundum (ruby and sapphire) and spinel. Powdered chemicals (the building blocks of the gem) are dropped through a high-temperature flame. The molten powder repeatedly falls from the flame onto a rotating pedestal, creating a synthetic crystal, called a boule, which can later be faceted into a gemstone. Synthetic gems have the same chemical, optical, and physical properties of their natural counterparts, but are a more cost-effective alternative to a natural gem.

Ruby Gem Guide and Properties Chart (27)

Lab Created Flame Fusion Ruby

  • Classification
  • Optical Properties
  • Characteristic Physical properties

Common Name

Lab Created Flame Fusion

CCF Reaction


Specific Gravity





Stones may display face up pleochroism, curved striae that crosses facet junctions and strings of gas bubbles that might be mistaken for needles. It might be possible to see Plato lines or twinning planes under magnification and immersion with polarized light. Sometimes heated with borax to created fingerprint like inclusions to mask curved striae.



Lab Created Floating Zone

One method of creating synthetic ruby is called floating zone. In this method of gem synthesis, originally developed by engineers to create super pure silicon, a sintered rod of powdered material, comprised of elements necessary for the gem to grow, is heated with infrared radiation in a vacuum while the ends of the rod are rotated in opposite directions. Since all impurities including air are removed during crystallization, very clean crystals can form.

  • Classification
  • Optical Properties
  • Characteristic Physical properties

Common Name

Lab Created Floating Zone

CCF Reaction


Specific Gravity





Stones are almost always inclusion free. If internal characteristics are present they are gas bubbles that are not perfectly round and swirls of color.



Optical Phenomena


Star rubies will have silk or sets of parallel rutile needles that produce a 6-ray star, hexagonal growth lines, color zoning and mineral inclusions. Weak and less well-formed stars along with weaker body color is typical of natural stones. In natural stones at least one ray of the start will be perpendicular to the hexagonal growth zones.

Ruby Gem Guide and Properties Chart (28)

Star Ruby

  • Classification
  • Characteristic Physical properties

Common Name


Specific Gravity






Cat's Eye

The term cat's eye, or chatoyancy, is used to describe a phenomenal optical property in gemstones, in this case ruby. The effect, when present, appears as a bright, narrow slit similar to the pupils in the eyes of your favorite feline. This phenomenon is caused by parallel fibrous or needle-like inclusions that interfere with the passage of light through the crystal, scattering and reflecting light back to the viewer as a thin line.

  • Classification
  • Characteristic Physical properties

Common Name

Cat's Eye

Specific Gravity





Cat's-eye rubies will have silk or sets of parallel rutile needles, hexagonal growth lines, color zoning, liquid, negative and mineral inclusions. Some stone might show twinning.



Lab Created Flame Fusion Star

Synthetic star ruby exhibits the optical phenomenon called asterism, a star-like pattern created on the surface of a gemstone when light encounters parallel fibrous, or needle-like, inclusions within its crystal structure. Light that strikes the inclusions within the gem reflects off of the inclusions, creating a narrow band of light. When two or more intersecting bands appear, a star pattern is formed. The flame fusion process for creating gems, also called the Verneuil process, is the most affordable and common synthesis method for producing corundum (ruby and sapphire) and spinel. Powdered chemicals (the building blocks of the gem) are dropped through a high-temperature flame. The molten powder repeatedly falls from the flame onto a rotating pedestal, creating a synthetic crystal, called a boule, which can later be faceted into a gemstone. Synthetic gems have the same chemical, optical, and physical properties of their natural counterparts, but are a more cost-effective alternative to a natural gem.

Ruby Gem Guide and Properties Chart (29)

Lab Created Flame Fusion Star Ruby

  • Classification
  • Characteristic Physical properties

Common Name

Lab Created Flame Fusion Star

Specific Gravity





Flame fusion stones might display curved growth and a unusually display a centered and well defined 6-rayed star. The curved growth is especially visible on the flat base of the stone. The stones might have gas bubbles and minute rutile needles that make up the star will confined to the surface of the stones.



Lab Created Czochralski Star

Synthetic star ruby exhibits the optical phenomenon called asterism, a star-like pattern created on the surface of a gemstone when light encounters parallel fibrous, or needle-like, inclusions within its crystal structure. Light that strikes the inclusions within the gem reflects off of the inclusions, creating a narrow band of light. When two or more intersecting bands appear, a star pattern is formed. The Czochralski process of gem synthesis involves the melting of various elements in a platinum crucible. A small gem crystal (called a seed) attached to a rod is then dipped into the melt and slowly pulled away as the crystal grows around the seed. For this reason, the Czochralski method is also known as crystal pulling. Synthetic gems have the same chemical, optical, and physical properties of their natural counterparts, but are a more cost-effective alternative to a natural gem.

  • Classification
  • Characteristic Physical properties

Common Name

Lab Created Czochralski Star

Specific Gravity





Pulled synthetic star ruby will have extremely fine needles that produce a slightly wavy natural looking 6-rayed star. The stones typically show low-relief curved striae or wavy growth. Sometimes bluish white smoke-like swirls and small round or distorted blackish gas bubbles are seen in stones.



Material Combination

Lab Created Ruby Overgrowth on Natural Corundum Seed

Synthetic ruby overgrowth corundum has a layer of lab created ruby grown on a colorless corundum.

  • Classification
  • Characteristic Physical properties

Common Name

Lab Created Ruby Overgrowth on Natural Corundum Seed

Specific Gravity





Color on these stones is strong table up but patchy on the pavilion when viewed on a white piece of paper. The stones have wavy growth that can appear step like or crystalline. One might be able to see facet junctions of the original stone underneath the overgrowth layer that do not match the facets of the outer layer. Stones will probably show uneven color due to removal or the overgrowth layer. They have a mottled or roiled texture when stone is viewed with immersion.




Flux Healed

Flux healed rubies have been heated in the presence of a flux material like borax. The flux will penetrate fissures in the stone and will act like a catalyst to heal the fracture in the stone. The flux will help melt the surrounding ruby to fill in the fissure and improve the clarity in the stone.

Ruby Gem Guide and Properties Chart (30)

Flux Healed Ruby

  • Classification
  • Optical Properties
  • Characteristic Physical properties

Common Name

Flux Healed

CCF Reaction


Specific Gravity





Flux like residue in fissure. It will not be as thick as flux grown rubies. It might have small air bubbles in fissure.



Lead Glass Filled

Lead glass filled rubies have been filled through a process similar to "infilling" using lead glass. Performed at lower temperatures, this is a less durable treatment and should be treated gently, avoiding household and professional chemicals. This treatment improves clarity, color, durability, and may add weight through the filling of voids and fissures.

Ruby Gem Guide and Properties Chart (31)

Lead Glass Filled Ruby

  • Classification
  • Characteristic Physical properties

Common Name

Lead Glass Filled

Specific Gravity





Lead glass filled rubies will show gas bubble sand color concentrations in fissures. Blue flash colors from the lead glass filling might be seen when viewing stone in dark field lighting.



Ruby Gem Guide and Properties Chart (2024)


Ruby Gem Guide and Properties Chart? ›

Color is the most significant factor affecting a ruby's value. The finest ruby has a pure, vibrant red to slightly purplish red color. In most markets, pure red colors command the highest prices and ruby with overtones of orange and purple are less valued.

What are the properties of the gemstone ruby? ›

DiaphaneityTransparent, translucent
Specific gravity3.97–4.05
Optical propertiesUniaxial/−
Refractive indexnω=1.768–1.772 nε=1.760–1.763
22 more rows

What color ruby is most valuable? ›

Color is the most significant factor affecting a ruby's value. The finest ruby has a pure, vibrant red to slightly purplish red color. In most markets, pure red colors command the highest prices and ruby with overtones of orange and purple are less valued.

What to look for in a ruby gemstone? ›

What To Look For
  • Color Is The Most Important Quality Factor For Ruby. The finest ruby has a pure, vibrant red to slightly purplish red color. ...
  • Clarity Refers To The Inclusions. ...
  • Cut Is One Of The Most Important Factors In Appearance. ...
  • Carat Weight Allows For Precise Measurements.

What grade ruby is best? ›

Rubies that are graded as VVS and VS are considered to be the highest qualities. There are many different kinds of inclusions that are found in rubies. An inclusion is any characteristic that is found inside the stone. Inclusions are natural.

What spiritual properties does ruby have? ›

It has been associated with improved energy and concentration, creativity, loyalty, honor and compassion. Ruby is thought to be protective of home, possessions and family. Ruby is said to stimulate heart chakra and bring spiritual wisdom while shielding against psychic attacks.

What does a ruby protect you from? ›

Protection - Ruby is a protective stones that guard against negative energies and evil influences. They are believed to shield the wearer from harm.

How to tell if a ruby is real? ›

Color: Examine the color of the stone. Rubies typically exhibit a deep red hue, ranging from medium to dark tones. Be cautious if the color appears too vibrant, as it could indicate a synthetic stone. Clarity: Genuine rubies often have some inclusions (internal flaws) due to the natural formation process.

Which shape of ruby is best? ›

Ruby Shape

The most popular shape is round. Accent rubies in wedding bands, solitaire rings, and earrings typically use the round shape. Ovals are the most popular with cutters. This is because an oval cut reduces waste and often is better to draw out the deep red color of the stone.

Are rubies worth more than amethyst? ›

Genuine Emeralds, Sapphires, and Rubies tend to be more expensive than other gemstones, like amethyst, garnet, citrine, etc. In fact, a very high quality emerald, sapphire or ruby can be even more expensive per carat than a diamond.

Who should not wear ruby gemstones? ›

Who should not wear ruby gemstones? Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius, Libra, Capricorn, and Pisces ascendants should never wear rubies. This is because of the Sun's position and its enmity with these planetary positions.

What do rubies attract? ›

It is said to inspire people to follow their dreams and achieve goals. Attract abundance: rubies are also said to attract abundance, prosperity and generosity. They stimulate the flow of money and opportunities, in addition to the desire to share and help others.

Do rubies look better in white or yellow gold? ›

The warmth of yellow gold looks better with rubies, citrine, amethysts, and emeralds. The cool tone of white gold nicely complements stones like sapphire, topaz, and diamond.

What is the prettiest ruby? ›

A pinkish red ruby may have a light or medium tone, while purplish red rubies tend to have medium to dark tones. Rubies with a medium red tone are usually considered more beautiful and more valuable than those that have lighter or darker tones.

How can I test my ruby gemstone at home? ›

Real rubies are extremely hard stones. Grind a fingernail or a coin into the surface of the "ruby" and see if you are able to scratch it. If the ruby shows a scratch, then there's a good chance that it is not a real ruby. Only a diamond can scratch a ruby.

What is the most sought after ruby? ›

The most desirable and highly prized rubies are those that possess an intense, deeply saturated red color. The purer and more intense the color, the higher the value of a ruby. “Pigeon blood-red” stones are considered the most valuable among all rubies for their vividly fluorescent red color.

What are the benefits of wearing a ruby? ›

Nine Astrological Benefits of Ruby Stone
  • Symbol of Love and Passion. ...
  • Enhanced Energy and Vitality. ...
  • Prosperity and Abundance. ...
  • Emotional Healing and Balance. ...
  • Increased Motivation and Confidence. ...
  • Protection Against Negative Energies. ...
  • Spiritual Enlightenment and Wisdom. ...
  • Bestows Popularity and Celebrity Status.
Feb 5, 2024

Do rubies have special powers? ›

All varieties of rubies were thought to hold similar properties. In addition to their protective powers, they reputedly helped control evil thoughts, dispel anger, and resolve disputes. However, darker rubies were considered "male" and lighter gems "female."

Why is ruby so special? ›

Ruby is a gem that symbolises virtues such as power, vigilance, influence, and zest for life, but when given as a gift in a relationship it also symbolises everlasting affection and flamming never-ending passion. Ruby was also known as the gemstone of courage.

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