Popped Blood Vessel in Eye: Causes, Treatment, What to Do (2025)

Most popped blood vessels in the eye heal on their own within a couple of weeks. However, there are some situations when you may want to seek medical care.

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A popped blood vessel in the eye is a common injury. Known as a subconjunctival hemorrhage, this injury causes a visible dot or patch of blood to appear on the white of your eye.

Although it can look alarming, a burst blood vessel in the eye isn’t usually serious. Symptoms are often limited to redness and minor eye itching.

It’s relatively easy to pop a blood vessel in your eye by simply sneezing, coughing, or rubbing your eyes vigorously. Fortunately, this injury typically heals easily and without treatment.

There are many reasons why a blood vessel in your eye might burst. In nearly all cases, a popped blood vessel in the eye isn’t painful. You might not even notice it’s happened until you see your eye in a mirror or until someone points it out to you.

Possible causes can include:

  • An object in your eye: Something small getting in your eye can cause a blood vessel to rupture.
  • Rubbing your eyes: Pressing on your eyes or rubbing them harder than usual may cause a blood vessel to burst.
  • Old or dirty contact lenses: Substances can build up on the surface of contact lenses over time. This can irritate your eyes and lead to the rupture of a blood vessel.
  • Contact lens removal: Removing contact lenses too quickly or putting pressure on your eye while you do so can cause injury.
  • Trauma to the eye: Being hit in the eye with an object or fist or even having a fall very often results in subconjunctival hemorrhage.
  • Eyestrain: Some people notice a popped blood vessel after heavy computer work or long hours of reading.
  • Repeated powerful sneezing: Allergies or a cold can occasionally lead to a burst blood vessel due to heavy sneezing.
  • A hacking cough: Just like sneezing, coughing can affect the blood vessels in your eye, especially if your coughing is more intense than usual.
  • Vomiting: The strain of vomiting can lead to a popped blood vessel.
  • Conjunctivochalasis: This is a condition that causes excessive tissue to grow on your eye. The excess tissue can lead to irritation and burst vessels.
  • Pinguecula: Pinguecula is a condition that causes a noncancerous growth in your eye that can lead to burst blood vessels.
  • Recent eye surgery: You may notice burst blood vessels in your eyes right after you have had eye surgery.

Some health conditions can increase the risk of a burst blood vessel in the eye. These include:

  • diabetes
  • hypertension
  • high cholesterol
  • hemochromatosis
  • Stevens-Johnson syndrome
  • blood clotting disorders

Blood-thinning medications are also known to increase the risk of a burst blood vessel in the eye.

Normally, a popped blood vessel in the eye is nothing to worry about. It can heal on its own without treatment. You typically don’t need to see a doctor.

However, there may be times when a burst blood vessel in the eye needs medical attention. For instance, you’ll want to see a doctor if you have:

  • had several burst blood vessels in your eyes recently
  • a burst blood vessel in your eye after a facial or head injury
  • additional symptoms such as vision loss, eye swelling, or eye pain
  • unexplained bleeding or bruising on other parts of your body

Can a popped blood vessel in your eye be serious?

A popped blood vessel is common and typically isn’t serious. It will usually heal on its own without treatment.

However, if you have had several burst blood vessels in your eye in a fairly short period of time, it’s worth following up with your doctor. They can review your medical history, symptoms, and any medications you’re taking to determine if there’s an underlying cause. They may order additional tests if necessary.

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There’s no treatment for a burst blood vessel in the eye. It typically heals on its own in a week or two.

If your eye feels itchy, you can use over-the-counter eye drops to soothe your eye. Artificial tears or other moisturizing drops are often a good choice.

In most cases, your eye will reabsorb the blood in about 1 to 2 weeks. You don’t typically need to take any medication or follow any specific guidelines during this time.

However, you may want to avoid touching your eyes and allow them to rest while they’re healing. For instance, if you wear contact lenses, you may want to consider not wearing your contacts until your eye starts improving.

A burst blood vessel in the eye can look like a serious injury, but it’s usually nothing to worry about. Popped vessels in the eye can happen relatively easily. They can be caused by rubbing your eyes, coughing, or sneezing, or by inserting or removing your contact lenses.

A burst blood vessel in the eye typically heals on its own in about 1 to 2 weeks. It doesn’t typically require treatment.

However, if you frequently have burst blood vessels in your eye, have been injured, or have other symptoms, it’s important to seek medical attention to determine if there are underlying issues that need to be addressed.

Popped Blood Vessel in Eye: Causes, Treatment, What to Do (2025)


Popped Blood Vessel in Eye: Causes, Treatment, What to Do? ›

Broken blood vessel in the eye

What heals a popped blood vessel? ›

A popped blood vessel is common and typically isn't serious. It will usually heal on its own without treatment.

What do I do if I popped a blood vessel in my eye? ›

Subconjunctival hemorrhage treatment usually isn't necessary. Artificial tears (eye drops) can help relieve eye irritation if it occurs. Most broken blood vessels heal within two weeks. Larger spots may take longer to go away.

Should I go to the ER for popped blood vessel in eye? ›

Generally speaking, you only need to be concerned about a broken blood vessel in the eye under specific circumstances. First, if the subconjunctival hemorrhage is accompanied by other worrisome symptoms, such as signs of an infection, the overall situation could be an emergency.

How do you fix popped blood vessels? ›

How do I get rid of broken blood vessels on my face? A doctor can recommend the best treatment option. Some treatments include laser therapy, intense pulsed light (IPL), thermocoagulation, and microphlebectomy. People can also try home remedies like cold therapy, aloe vera, and witch hazel.

How to speed up healing of broken blood vessels in the eye? ›

Treatment. You may want to use eye drops, such as artificial tears, to soothe any scratchy feeling you may be experiencing. Beyond that, the blood will absorb within about 1 to 2 weeks, and you'll need no treatment.

Does ice help broken blood vessels in the eye? ›

How do you treat a subconjunctival hemorrhage at home? Over-the-counter eye drops may help if your eye feels scratchy or irritated. You can also use cold compresses. Avoid rubbing your eye or irritating it more.

Will a warm compress help a broken blood vessel in the eye? ›

Our experience has been that a cold compress within the first hour of bleeding will stop the bleeding. In the days following a warm compress can help the eye in re-absorbing the blood. There is nothing to be concerned or excited about. Simply wait…and within approximately two weeks the hemorrhage will clear up.

What is the fastest way to get rid of a subconjunctival hemorrhage? ›

This condition often goes away on its own. Your subconjunctival hemorrhage will likely go away in a few weeks. It will first turn from red to brown, and then to yellow. Currently, there are no treatments that will speed up this process.

How rare is it to pop a blood vessel in your eye? ›

Broken blood vessels in your eye are a common condition that can occur at any age and are equally common for all sexes and races. However, the risk of experiencing this type of bleeding increases as you get older. Some risk factors include: Diabetes.

Should I worry about burst blood vessels? ›

Hematomas occur when larger blood vessels burst, resulting in pooled blood. Most hematomas are minor. But if they develop in larger organs or body cavities, they can be severe and even life-threatening.

Does a broken blood vessel in the eye indicate a stroke? ›

Damage to small blood vessels in the eye may also indicate injury to other blood vessels that can result in stroke or vascular dementia.

How long does a popped blood vessel last? ›

Expect a full recovery within two weeks, without any long-term complications. Although eye drops will not repair the burst vessel, they can help soothe the heaviness or irritation.

What causes blood vessels to burst in your eye? ›

Sometimes, a blood vessel bursts in the eye when blood pressure suddenly increases. This can happen when someone coughs, vomits, or takes part in strenuous exercise, such as lifting heavy weights. Some health conditions can also be responsible for a burst blood vessel in the eye.

Should you wrap a popped blood vessel? ›

If a bruise is rapidly spreading, you need try to stop the bleeding under the skin. Wrap the area (not too tightly) with an elastic bandage, such as an Ace wrap, and keep it on until you see a doctor. You can also put direct pressure on the area for 15 minutes at a time.

How do you make popped veins go away? ›

Common treatments for bulging veins include:
  1. Compression stockings.
  2. Elevation. Simply lifting up your legs several times each day can help soothe bulging veins in your legs and calm any discomfort. ...
  3. Injection therapy (sclerotherapy).
  4. Vein surgery (ligation and stripping).

How long does it take for burst blood vessels to heal? ›

Bleeding into the skin happens when small blood vessels burst just below your skin's surface. These broken blood vessels may look like small red dots. Or they may be larger purple, blue or black patches. Usually, bleeding into the skin is minor and heals in about two weeks.

What heals damaged blood vessels? ›

In many cases, a mild vascular trauma may be able to heal on its own. Doctors treat more severe cases through surgery to repair the damaged vessels.

How do you heal a popped vein? ›

Resting the affected area helps prevent further injury, while icing can reduce swelling and alleviate pain. Compression, using bandages or compression wear, can support the vein and minimize swelling. Elevating the affected area above the heart level can also help reduce swelling by promoting venous return.

Can a burst blood vessel be fixed? ›

Treating broken capillaries with options like laser therapy can reduce the appearance of these blood vessels. “We use specific wavelengths of laser light,” Dr. Tournas said. “It's like creating a controlled injury to the blood vessel, so the walls of the vessel get inflamed and irritated, and then they close.”

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Name: Arline Emard IV

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