Alt Code Shortcuts for Spanish Letters with Accents – WebNots (2024)

Posted byEditorial Staff Shortcuts, Tech TipsNo Comments

In our earlier articles we have provided shortcuts for German and French letters with accents. Spanish language also has many accented letters. Here is the list of alt code shortcuts for Spanish letters with accents.

You can use these shortcuts in Windows, Mac and specifically on Word documents as mentioned in the last column of the below table.

ShortcutLetterLetter Name Or DescriptionUsed On
Alt + 0193ÁCapital Letter A With AcuteWindows
Alt + 0225áSmall Letter a With AcuteWindows
Alt + 0201ÉCapital Letter E With AcuteWindows
Alt + 0233éSmall Letter e With AcuteWindows
Alt + 0205ÍCapital Letter I With AcuteWindows
Alt + 0237íSmall Letter i With AcuteWindows
Alt + 0209ÑCapital Letter N With TildeWindows
Alt + 0241ñSmall Letter n With TildeWindows
Alt + 0211ÓCapital Letter O With AcuteWindows
Alt + 0243óSmall Letter o With AcuteWindows
Alt + 0202ÊCapital Letter E With CircumflexWindows
Alt + 0234êSmall Letter e With CircumflexWindows
Alt + 0218ÚCapital Letter U With AcuteWindows
Alt + 0250úSmall Letter u With AcuteWindows
Alt + 0220ÜCapital Letter U With UmlautWindows
Alt + 0252üSmall Letter u With UmlautWindows
Alt + 0221ÝCapital Letter Y With AcuteWindows
Alt + 0253ýSmall Letter y With AcuteWindows
Alt + 0161¡Inverted Exclamation MarkWindows
Alt + 0191¿Inverted Question MarkWindows
Alt + 0170ªFeminine Ordinal IndicatorWindows
Alt + 0186ºMasculine Ordinal IndicatorWindows
00C1 + Alt + XÁCapital Letter A With AcuteWord
00E1 + Alt + XáSmall Letter a With AcuteWord
00C9 + Alt + XÉCapital Letter E With AcuteWord
00E9 + Alt + XéSmall Letter e With AcuteWord
00CD + Alt + XÍCapital Letter I With AcuteWord
00ED + Alt + XíSmall Letter i With AcuteWord
00D1 + Alt + XÑCapital Letter N With TildeWord
00F1 + Alt + XñSmall Letter n With TildeWord
00D3 + Alt + XÓCapital Letter O With AcuteWord
00F3 + Alt + XóSmall Letter o With AcuteWord
00CA + Alt + XÊCapital Letter E With CircumflexWord
00EA + Alt + XêSmall Letter e With CircumflexWord
00DA + Alt + XÚCapital Letter U With AcuteWord
00FA + Alt + XúSmall Letter u With AcuteWord
00DC + Alt + XÜCapital Letter U With UmlautWord
00FC + Alt + XüSmall Letter u With UmlautWord
00DD + Alt + XÝCapital Letter Y With AcuteWord
00FD + Alt + XýSmall Letter y With AcuteWord
00A1 + Alt + X¡Inverted Exclamation MarkWord
00BF + Alt + X¿Inverted Question MarkWord
00AA + Alt + XªFeminine Ordinal IndicatorWord
00BA + Alt + XºMasculine Ordinal IndicatorWord
Option + 00C1ÁCapital Letter A With AcuteMac
Option + 00E1áSmall Letter a With AcuteMac
Option + 00C9ÉCapital Letter E With AcuteMac
Option + 00E9éSmall Letter e With AcuteMac
Option + 00CDÍCapital Letter I With AcuteMac
Option + 00EDíSmall Letter i With AcuteMac
Option + 00D1ÑCapital Letter N With TildeMac
Option + 00F1ñSmall Letter n With TildeMac
Option + 00D3ÓCapital Letter O With AcuteMac
Option + 00F3óSmall Letter o With AcuteMac
Option + 00CAÊCapital Letter E With CircumflexMac
Option + 00EAêSmall Letter e With CircumflexMac
Option + 00DAÚCapital Letter U With AcuteMac
Option + 00FAúSmall Letter u With AcuteMac
Option + 00DCÜCapital Letter U With UmlautMac
Option + 00FCüSmall Letter u With UmlautMac
Option + 00DDÝCapital Letter Y With AcuteMac
Option + 00FDýSmall Letter y With AcuteMac
Option + 00A1¡Inverted Exclamation MarkMac
Option + 00BF¿Inverted Question MarkMac
Option + 00AAªFeminine Ordinal IndicatorMac
Option + 00BAºMasculine Ordinal IndicatorMac

Typing Spanish Letters in Windows Documents

If you have language pack installed on your PC then try to change the input method and use Spanish keyboard layout. If you don’t have Spanish language pack, follow the below instructions:

  • Use the alt + code in the above table to typeaccented letters. However, you should use the numeric keypad on your keyboard.
  • Unfortunately most of the Windows laptops willnot have a separate numeric pad. In that case, use code + alt + x method inMicrosoft Word documents.
  • You can also use Character Map app or Symbol utility in Office apps to insert Spanish letters.

Typing Spanish Letters on Mac Documents

  • On mac, change the input method to Unicode Hex Input and use option + code to type the accented letters.
  • You can also long press the keys to type special characters in Mac or use other keyboard shortcuts as explained in this article.
  • Other option is to open Character Viewer by pressing “Control + Command + Spacebar” and find special characters.

Typing Spanish Characters in HTML

On HTML documents, you have three options to insert theletters as per details in the below table:

  • Use entity name
  • Escape character with hexadecimal code
  • Escape character with decimal code
LetterDescriptionEntity NameEscape Code HexEscape Code Decimal
ÁLatin Capital Letter A With Acute& Aacute;& #x000C1;& #193;
áLatin Small Letter a With Acute& aacute;& #x000E1;& #225;
ÉLatin Capital Letter E With Acute& Eacute;& #x000C9;& #201;
éLatin Small Letter e With Acute& eacute;& #x000E9;& #233;
ÍLatin Capital Letter I With Acute& Iacute;& #x000CD;& #205;
íLatin Small Letter i With Acute& iacute;& #x000ED;& #237;
ÑLatin Capital Letter N With Tilde& Ntilde;& #x000D1;& #209;
ñLatin Small Letter n With Tilde& ntilde;& #x000F1;& #241;
ÓLatin Capital Letter O With Acute& Oacute;& #x000D3;& #211;
óLatin Small Letter o With Acute& oacute;& #x000F3;& #243;
ÊLatin Capital Letter E With Circumflex& Ecirc;& #x000CA;& #202;
êLatin Small Letter e With Circumflex& ecirc;& #x000EA;& #234;
ÚLatin Capital Letter U With Acute& Uacute;& #x000DA;& #218;
úLatin Small Letter u With Acute& uacute;& #x000FA;& #250;
ÜLatin Capital Letter U With Diaeresis& Uuml;& #x000DC;& #220;
üLatin Small Letter u With Diaeresis& uuml;& #x000FC;& #252;
ÝLatin Capital Letter Y With Acute& Yacute;& #x000DD;& #221;
ýLatin Small Letter y With Acute& yacute;& #x000FD;& #253;
¡Inverted Exclamation Mark& iexcl;& #x000A1;& #161;
¿Inverted Question Mark& iquest;& #x000BF;& #191;
ªFeminine Ordinal Indicator& ordf;& #x000AA;& #170;
ºMasculine Ordinal Indicator& ordm;& #x000BA;& #186;

In all the three methods, use the codes without any spacesalong with semicolon at the end. You can also use the hex code in CSS andJavaScript like \00C1 and \u00C1 respectively.

Tags: Alt + XAlt CodeKeyboardLanguageLetters

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Alt Code Shortcuts for Spanish Letters with Accents – WebNots (2024)


What are the Alt keys for Spanish accents? ›

You can reference the following codes to specify the letters you would like to input:
  • á = Alt + 0225.
  • Á = Alt + 0193.
  • é = Alt + 0233.
  • É = Alt + 0201.
  • í = Alt + 0237.
  • Í = Alt + 0205.
  • ó = Alt + 0243.
  • Ó = Alt + 0211.

What is the Alt code for the Ñ? ›

The lowercase ⟨ñ⟩ can be made in the Microsoft Windows operating system by typing Alt + 164 or Alt + 0241 on the numeric keypad (with Num Lock turned on); the uppercase ⟨Ñ⟩ can be made with Alt + 165 or Alt + 0209 . Character Map in Windows identifies the letter as "Latin Small/Capital Letter N With Tilde".

What is the Alt code for accent marks? ›

Numeric codes for lowercase letters with acute accent marks are: Alt+0225 = á Alt+0233 = é

What is the shortcut for the Spanish Ñ with an accent? ›

If you're using Office for Windows, use the following shortcuts: For accented vowels, press Ctrl + ', then the vowel you want to accent. For the Spanish ñ, press Ctrl + ~, then the n key.

Are there keyboard shortcuts for accents? ›

Option + (backtick key) followed by a vowel: à è ì ò ù (Grave accent) Option + E followed by a vowel: é í ó ú (Acute accent) Option + U followed by a vowel: ä ë ï ö ü (Umlaut or diaeresis)

What is the alt key for é? ›

CharacterALT CodeALT Code
10 more rows

What is the Alt code 255? ›

The magic sequence of keys Alt-255 typed at numeric keypad places an Invisible Character symbol into text. This character looks like a blank space in the program code and SAS output but is processed and printed by many programs as a valid text character.

What is the keyboard shortcuts of Ñ? ›

Enable the numeric keypad by turning on the Num lock key. Hold the Alt key then type 164 on the numeric keypad to create a lowercase ñ. For the uppercase Ñ, hold the Alt key then type 165.

How do you type special characters with Alt key? ›

To insert an ASCII character, press and hold down ALT while typing the character code. For example, to insert the degree (º) symbol, press and hold down ALT while typing 0176 on the numeric keypad. You must use the numeric keypad to type the numbers, and not the keyboard.

How to type Spanish accents on Windows? ›

Typing Spanish Accents
  1. á (lower case a, acute accent) = Press Ctrl + ' (apostrophe), then the letter a. é (lower case e, acute accent) = Press Ctrl + ' (apostrophe), then the letter e. ...
  2. Á (upper case A, acute accent) = Press Ctrl + ' (apostrophe), then Shift + a. ...
  3. ¿ (inverted question mark) = Press Alt + Ctrl + Shift + ? (
Oct 2, 2023

How do I get accents on letters on my keyboard? ›

Hold the Control key down, then tap the accent key near the top left corner of your keypad. Release the keys. Then select the desired letter to accent. The accent key is usually on the same key as the ~.

What are the accent marks in Spanish? ›

They come in three different categories: the diaeresis (ü), the tilde (ñ), and the acute accent (é, á, í, ó, and ú). Spanish accent marks change the pronunciation of the letter they're attached to.

What are the Alt codes for Spanish accents? ›

áHold down ALT160 or 0225
éHold down ALT130 or 0233
íHold down ALT161 or 0237
óHold down ALT162 or 0243
úHold down ALT163 or 0250
14 more rows

What is the Alt code for the Ñ tilde? ›

How do I put a tilde over an N in Word? Hold down the alt key and using the numeric keypad enter 0209 (with the leading zero) results in Ñ to use a lowercase n use 0241 to get ñ. This is faster for me than using the Insert Symbol feature in Word.

How do I make the Spanish Ñ on my Windows keyboard? ›

To make the “ñ” character, press both “Ctrl” and “~” keys then type lowercase “n“. This will generate the “ñ” symbol automatically. You can also use the Alt code. Press and hold “Alt” key while entering a code (ALT+0241) and you can get the “ñ” character.

How to type Spanish accents on US keyboard? ›

Typing Spanish Accents
  1. á (lower case a, acute accent) = Press Ctrl + ' (apostrophe), then the letter a. é (lower case e, acute accent) = Press Ctrl + ' (apostrophe), then the letter e. ...
  2. Á (upper case A, acute accent) = Press Ctrl + ' (apostrophe), then Shift + a. ...
  3. ¿ (inverted question mark) = Press Alt + Ctrl + Shift + ? (
Oct 2, 2023

How do I type é on my keyboard? ›

é: Press Ctrl and type "'" (apostrophe). Release both keys and type "e". à-è-ù: Press Ctrl and type "`" key (left-hand side, top of the keyboard). Release both keys and type "e", "a", or "u".

What is ó called? ›

Ó, ó (o-acute) is a letter in the Czech, Emilian-Romagnol, Faroese, Hungarian, Icelandic, Kashubian, Polish, Slovak, Karakalpak, and Sorbian languages.

How to do Spanish accents on keyboard without number pad? ›

If you have the U.S. international keyboard installed, you can type Spanish accents on Windows by simply typing an apostrophe followed by the vowel you want to accent. á = ' + a é = ' + e í = ' + i ó = ' + o ú = ' + u Here are the keyboard combos for the other accents/characters: ü = " + u n = ˜+ n ¡ = alt + !

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.